Louisiana: Where Culture Means Business


Research Abstract
Louisiana: Where Culture Means Business
The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to create a framework through which Louisiana can understand and develop the economic opportunities available in its entire cultural economy. The framework encompasses the full cycle of cultural activity, from origination, to production, to markets, and examines the larger system that supports those activities. It looks at the synergies among individual artists and commercial, nonprofit, and government enterprises. And, it explores the issues that concern any economic sector: workforce development, business development, research, finance, and markets. Given the diversity and depth of Louisianas cultural assets, it was not possible to explore every element of the cultural economy in depth. While scores of people were interviewed, there remain hundreds of others with equally important insights. This report is the first step in a longer-term development process. In addition to providing a general overview, there are four case studies that explore literary arts, culinary arts, Lafayette music, and the preservation industries in more depth. These case studies are provided as examples of the type of analysis needed to take this work to the next level.ン (From Introduction) [This report was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and the State of Louisiana, Office of the Lt. Governor, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Cultural Development, Louisiana Division of the Arts. In addition, Mt. Auburn Associates provided the research and evaluation services for the report.]
This report defines and analyzes Louisianas cultural economy and recommends strategies through which it can be developed.

Siegel, Beth; Kane, Michael; Becker, Beate; with Dimitrova, Ralitsa; Latner, Jonathan; Meneray, Gene; Nathan, Jeanne; Kristjanson, Zopari
Electronic Edition
200 p.

State of Louisiana, Office of the Lt. Governor, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Cultural Development, Louisiana Division of the Arts
P.O. Box 44247
Baton Rouge
LA, 70804-4247