Making Space: Lessons on Artistic Intervention in Uncommon Places


Research Abstract
Making Space: Lessons on Artistic Intervention in Uncommon Places

When it comes to programming for audience engagement, it’s easy enough to realize that innovation should be a priority in the climate of today’s arts marketing industry – it’s harder to know how to do it. But as arts professionals, we may have more to work with than we think if we already have a physical place to showcase our artistic magic. By working with existing architectural structures, we challenge our audiences and ourselves to engage in programming much more deeply than usual.

In this e-book, Making Space: Lessons on Artistic Intervention in Uncommon Places, you’ll find the examples from three organizations whose artistic interventions have worked with uncommon sites to create unique, engaging, and transformative experiences with their audiences. Find out what happened when Dashboard Co-op locked artists in an abandoned building in downtown Atlanta in order to create site-specific multimedia installation. Learn from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s rethinking of their symphony hall to introduce yoga classes set to live classical music accompaniment. Get inspired by the Civilian Investigative Theater’s interactive multimedia performance in a historic converted church in Brooklyn, New York. With these success stories, Making Space: Lessons on Artistic Intervention in Uncommon Places is an exploration into the possibilities that innovations in spatial thinking can have to connect with audiences in new ways.

In this e-book, Making Space: Lessons on Artistic Intervention in Uncommon Places, you’ll find the examples from three organizations whose artistic interventions have worked with uncommon sites to create unique, engaging, and transformative experiences with their audiences.


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