Marketing the Arts: A Study of Marketing and Audience Development by Australian Arts Organisations


Research Abstract
Marketing the Arts: A Study of Marketing and Audience Development by Australian Arts Organisations

The report also contains practical recommendations for arts authorities, arts organizations and arts consortia such as marketing workshops, skills training for staff, developing effective strategies and allocating appropriate resources.


1. Introduction.

1.1 Background.
1.2 Project research objectives.
1.3 Project outcomes.
1.4 Scope of the project.
1.5 Overall project approach and methodology.

2. Context for the project.

2.1 Art and culture: its place in society and the challenge for marketing.
2.2 Cultural funding in Australia.
2.3 Creative nation.
2.4 For Art's sake - a fair go.
2.5 A marketing orientation.

3. Arts organizations survey.

3.1 Marketing activities. 

3.1.1. Market monitoring and competitors. 
3.1.2. Marketing research and audience surveys.
3.1.3. Audience development.
3.1.4. Promotional activities.
3.1.5. Sponsorship.

3.2. Marketing resources.

3.2.1. Marketing units and marketing plans.
3.2.2. Number of people employed in administrative capacities.
3.2.3. Positions primarily involved in marketing and audience 
         development activities.
3.2.4. A board of management member with marketing skills.
3.2.5. Use of outside marketing agencies.
3.2.6. Annual budget allocated to marketing and audience
3.2.7. Proportion of time spent in marketing-type activities.

3.3. Organizational performance.

3.3.1. Performance in 1995 vs 1994.

3.4. Marketing and environmental issues.

3.4.1. Government policy.
3.4.2. Marketing practice.

3.5 Factors influencing audience development.

3.5.1. Perceived limitations to audience development.
3.5.2. Factors which would motivate further marketing and
         audience development activities.

3.6. Domestic markets.

3.6.1. Specific groups targeted.
3.6.2. Evaluations of success in targeting groups.
3.6.3. Awareness of whether strategies and activities are
3.6.4. Ways in which there could be further success in reaching
         target groups.
3.6.5. Future domestic target groups.
3.6.6. Are strategies in place to extend an organization's domestic
         audience base?
3.6.7. Types of strategies and activities to extend audience base.

3.7 International markets.

3.7.1. Current involvement in international markets - which 
         countries are important.
3.7.2. Type of overseas presenters or market groups.
3.7.3. Methods of pursuing overseas markets.

3.8. Marketing and audience development skills.

3.8.1. Would the organization benefit from having staff develop
         more skills?
3.8.2. Interest in learning more about marketing and audience 
3.8.3. Marketing or audience development skills considered 
3.8.4. The appeal of different methods of acquiring skills.

3.9 Best practice.

3.9.1. Best Australian arts organizations.
3.9.2. Reasons for nominating an organization as the best.

3.10. Activities and attitudes: a multivariate analysis.

4. Australian authority interviews.

4.1 Arts authorities contacted.
4.2. Marketing activities undertaken.
4.3. Marketing resources.

4.3.1. Human resources.
4.3.2. Financial resources.
4.3.3. Access to external marketing resources.
4.3.4. Marketing specialists on boards and committees.

4.4. Research.
4.5. Liaison with other arts authorities.
4.6. Joint marketing programs.
4.7. External influences on marketing activities.
4.8. Arts industry marketing issues.
4.9. Barriers to developing marketing support activities.
4.10 Factors which could assist in developing marketing support 

5. The Australia Council.

5.1 Australia Council interviews.
5.2 Resources.
5.3. Marketing-related activities.

6. Selected overseas and commercial experiences.

6.1 Marketing resources.
6.2 Marketing objectives and activities.
6.3. Evaluation of effectiveness of activities.
6.4. Collaboration and partnerships.
6.5. Lessons from experience about what works in the arts.
6.6. Barriers and facilitators to enhancing their own organization's 
6.7. Marketing consortia.
6.8. Marketing advice to an arts organization.

7. Arts marketing consortia.

7.1. Background.
7.2. Australia Council.
7.3. Arts marketing consortia in Australia.

8. Conclusions and recommendations.

8.1. Conclusions.
8.2. Recommendations.

8.2.1. Arts organizations.
8.2.2. Arts authorities.
8.2.3. Consortia.

     A. Details of specific marketing activities undertaken by three authorities.
     B. References to section 2.5: A marketing orientation.
     C. Additional tables: 
              C1. Attitudes.
              C2. Best arts organizations in marketing.
     D. Survey questionaire.

The report also contains practical recommendations for arts authorities, arts organizations and arts consortia such as marketing workshops, skills training for staff, developing effective strategies and allocating appropriate resources.

Biztrac and Donovan Research
106 p., appendix
December, 1996

Australia Council for the Arts
372 Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010