Marketing Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations Volume II: Mobilize People for Marketing Success


Research Abstract
Marketing Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations Volume II: Mobilize People for Marketing Success

Whether your goal is raising funds, recruiting volunteers, or selling tickets, the old saying, "people buy from people", is as true as ever. A postcard, phone call, face-to-face visit, even an E-mail - from someone we know - cuts through, gets our attention, and is more likely than anything to get us to act.

Marketing Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations Volume II: Mobilize People for Marketing Success shows you how to mobilize your entire organization, its staff, volunteers, and supporters in a focused, one-to-one marketing campaign.

Works for any size or type of organization: This unique guide gives you complete instructions, real-life examples, and detailed worksheets to create an effective campaign. Regardless of the size of your organization, you can use the ten steps in this book to:

  • Reach ongoing fundraising, membership, enrollment, and volunteer recruitment goals.
  • Plan and carry out capital campaigns and generate attendance for major special events.
  • Build name recognition and awareness of your organization or cause.
  • Increase the skills and confidence of everyone associated with your nonprofit to be effective marketing representatives.

Each workbook also comes with a copy of Pocket Guide for Marketing Representatives, a handy guide available for all your representatives. In it, they can write down key campaign messages and find motivational reminders.

Complete, easy-to-follow steps make the process doable. Using the same concise style as in his popular Marketing Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations, Volume I, author and internationally recognized nonprofit consultant Gary J. Stern shows you step-by-step how to:

  • Get your organization's support for the campaign.
  • Define the campaign's scope and create a master action plan.
  • Form a marketing task force to set goals and strategies.
  • Recruit people for the right roles.
  • Motivate and give ongoing follow-up and support to representatives.
  • Celebrate your success and evaluate the campaign.

The workbook also gives you:

  • Four marketing representative roles and how they work.
  • A simple and effective formula for targeting the best prospects.
  • Detailed instructions and sample agenda for motivational trainings.
  • 25 tips for marketing representatives to increase their effectiveness.
  • Clear worksheets to keep your campaign organized and on track.
    (Publisher's catalog)

About the Author.

Introduction: Mobilize People for Success.

What You Will Find in this Book.
How to Use this Book.

Demystifing Marketing: A Review.

Phase I: Ready the Organization.

Step 1. Define the Scope of your Effort.
Step 2. Form a Marketing Task Force.
Step 3. Set Goals; Define Targeting, Message, and
            Communications Strategies.
Step 4. Determine Roles, People to Involve, and Recruitment
Step 5. Develop a Master Timeline and Action Plan for the Effort.
Readiness Wrap-Up.

Phase II. Mobilize Your Marketing Representatives.

Step 6. Implement the Recruitment Plan.
Step 7. Hold Motivational Training.
Step 8. Provide Ongoing Follow-Up and Support.          
Step 9. Reward, Recognize, Reenlist.
Step 10. Celebrate Success and Evaluate the Effort.

Appendix A. Message Testing.
Appendix B. Motivational Training Guides.
Appendix C. Tips for Marketing Representatives.
Appendix D: Worksheets:
                         Worksheet 1. Define the Scope.
                         Worksheet 2. Form a Marketing Task Force.
                         Worksheet 3. Set Goals and Define Strategies.
                         Worksheet 4. Determine Roles and Recruitment Techniques.
                         Worksheet 5. Develop Master Timeline and Action Plan. 
                         Worksheet 6. Implement the Recruitment Plan. 
                         Worksheet 7. Hold Motivational Training.
                         Worksheet 8. Provide Follow-Up and Support.
                         Worksheet 9. Reward, Recognize, Reenlist.
                         Worksheet 10. Celebrate and Evaluate.

Whether your goal is raising funds, recruiting volunteers, or selling tickets, the old saying, "people buy from people", is as true as ever. A postcard, phone call, face-to-face visit, even an E-mail - from someone we know - cuts through, gets our attention, and is more likely than anything to get us to act.

Stern, Gary J.
December, 1996

Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
919 Lafond Ave.
Saint Paul
MN, 55104-2198