Measuring Up: New Hampshire Arts Education Data Project Report


Research Abstract
Measuring Up: New Hampshire Arts Education Data Project Report

The New Hampshire Arts Education Data Project Report saw a response rate of 43.6%, a total of 153 schools. New Hampshire statute asserts that the arts are an essential component of a complete curriculum. 100% of high-schools and 98% of elementary and middle schools provide arts instruction in at least one course. 88% of elementary students participate in both music and visual arts classes for approximately 50 minutes per week in each art form.  Additionally, 73% of high schools exceed the state graduation requirement of one-half credit in the arts, and 50% of high school students are enrolled in one or more arts courses. 30% of schools worked with at least one artist in residence, and schools reported that artist in residences are the most frequently used arts integration strategy and find that these programs to be successful. All schools reported to receive outside dollars to support arts education, and 54% of these funds come from parent/teacher associations and 2% from local businesses and corporations. While New Hampshire schools almost universally provide access to arts programs, only 2% of elementary schools offer at least one course in theatre and 6% offer at least one course in dance. Only 6% of middle schools offer at least one course in media arts. 67% of schools spend $20 or less per student on curricular support for the arts each year, and 15% spend $1 or less.

The New Hampshire Arts Education Data Project Report saw a response rate of 43.6%, a total of 153 schools.


Quadrant Research
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New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
2 1/2 Beacon Street, 2nd Floor
NH, 3301