Montana Arts Council Strategic Plan FY 2001-2006


Sample Document
Montana Arts Council Strategic Plan FY 2001-2006
The Montana Arts Council Strategic Plan outlines the goals, objectives and strategies of the organization for FY 2001-2006. The three strategic directions are arts education, increased agency resources and economic development. Included are plans to increase state and national awareness of Montana artists, folk art and Native American art, expand arts education program and access to the arts in rural areas and develop relationships with other community partners. The strategies of implementation are divided into short, medium and long term tactics. The Strategic Plan is designed to be a working, evolving blueprint with progress for each of the objectives monitored annually.
The Montana Arts Council Strategic Plan outlines the goals, objectives and strategies for success in arts education, economic development and increased agency resources in FY 2001-06.

Sample Document
Montana Arts Council
June, 2000

Montana Arts Council
316 North Park Ave., Suite 252, P.O. Box 202201
MT, 59620-2201