Museum Public Relations


Research Abstract
Museum Public Relations

This book is intended to serve as a basic reference for any type of public relations activity, whether volunteer, part time, or full time. Although many program examples relate to history museums, the concepts, procedures, and policy recommendations apply equally to institutions concerned with art, natural history, and science; to historic homes, parks and preservation organizations; to aquariums and planetariums; to company, university, and state museums and archives; to performing arts organizations; and to botanical gardens and zoological parks, regardless of size, budget or staff. I have emphasized basic programs that can be conducted with small budgets and with services contributed by professionals, but I have also discussed more advanced programs involving specialists and larger budgets. Because advanced marketing concepts are employed most effectively in conjunction with advertising campaigns that are more extensive than many museums can afford, I have discussed only basics that are useful to the majority of museums that rely heavily on free publicity, sound public relations, and limited advertising. These marketing basics include audience research and segmentation, targeted communication and ongoing evaluation of message feedback. (p. ix).


1. Preparing for public relations.
2. Approaches to research and planning.
3. Publics within the museum and just beyond.
4. Fund raising: Giving and getting.
5. The publications program.
6. Messages for the media.
7. Meeting the media.
8. The promotional campaign.
9. Daily operations and troubleshooting.

Notes [bibliography].
Sources of further information [contact list].

This book is intended to serve as a basic reference for any type of public relations activity, whether volunteer, part time, or full time.

Adams, G. Donald
0-910050-65-1 (h)
237 p.
December, 1982

American Association for State and Local History
1717 Church Street
TN, 37203-2991