National Guide to Funding in Higher Education


Research Abstract
National Guide to Funding in Higher Education

The 5th Edition of this volume provides essential facts on over 4,500 foundations, corporate direct giving programs, and public charities, each with a history of awarding grant dollars to higher education projects and institutions. Imagine the time you will save by having, in a single convenient source, a list of thousands of U.S. grantmakers that support higher education. The National Guide covers all the facts you need to bolster your target list of funding prospects:

  • Grantmaker portraits: Over 4,500 entries with the data you need to decide to pursue the funding source - address, financial data, giving priorities, application procedures, contact names, and key officials.

  • Sample grants: Over 15,000 descriptions of recently awarded grants show you the foundations' proven giving interests.

  • Range of indexes: To help you target funders by specific program areas favored and geographic areas preferred by grantmakers.

Each year the grantmakers featured in this volume award millions of dollars to colleges, universities, professional and technical shools, scholarship funds, and a range of other related programs and projects. (Publisher's catalog)


Foundation Center
5th edition
1275 p.
December, 1997

The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York
NY, 10003