New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Survey April 2006


Sample Document
New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Survey April 2006
The New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Survey took place statewide April 2006, approved by the New Jersey Department of Education, the survey used an online entry system. The New Jersey Arts Education Census Project, and the instrument developed for the New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Survey, has benefited greatly from the work of many individuals and organizations that have provided advice and feedback during the development of this survey tool. The lineage of this tool includes the 1997 NAEP Arts Assessment, the 1998 Fast Response Survey of the U.S. Department of Education, and the Connecticut Curriculum Survey of 2000. Scott Shuler at the Connecticut Department of Education has been generous with his time and experience. The members of SEADAE have provided valuable feedback on the portability of the model to other states.
The final version of the New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Survey to take place statewide in April 2006 has been approved by the New Jersey Department of Education, which will be conducting the actual survey using an online entry system.

Sample Document
Music for All Foundation
January, 2006

Music for All Foundation
39 W. Jackson Place, Suite 150
IN, 46225
United States