pARTnership Movement Fact Sheet: The Arts Enliven the Workplace


One Pagers
pARTnership Movement Fact Sheet: The Arts Enliven the Workplace

Why partner with the arts? When businesses partner with the arts, they gain a competitive edge. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts expands market share and creates a healthy workplace.

This fact sheet provides data and examples of how the arts stimulate positive company culture and conversation, foster employee well-being, and inspire a healthier work environment through unique and meaningful experiences for human connection. It is part of a series for each of the 8 Best Reasons for Businesses and the Arts to pARtner and the pARTnership Movement. 

This fact sheet provides data and examples of how the arts stimulate positive company culture and conversation, foster employee well-being, and inspire a healthier work environment through unique and meaningful experiences for human connection.


Jessica Stern
pARTnership Movement Briefing Papers
June 28, 2019
The Arts Enliven the Workplace Fact Sheet Page 1