Positioning Cultural Arts Products in the Market


Research Abstract
Positioning Cultural Arts Products in the Market

In this market study, sixteen cultural products were examined. These products were chosen on the basis of two criteria. First, they had to be popular enough so that they could be evaluated by a majority of consumers. Second, each product had to be sufficiently different from the other fifteen in order to generate a large variety of positioning. Descriptive adjectives were generated which were used for the affective evaluations of the products. Based on that review, seventeen adjectives were initially retained and a contingency table was submitted to a correspondence analysis. The correspondence analysis generated combinations of the initial adjectives in such a way that we obtained a significant dimension on which sixteen types of performances were positioned. Second, the relative positions of these performances produced clusters of events which unveil the way respondents perceived the market. The first dimension, which explains 47 percent of the variance, is characterized by the opposition of two adjectives: Diverting versus adds to my culture. The second dimension, which explains 21 percent of the variance, is characterized by the oppositions of the following two adjectives: Relaxing versus irritating.


Nantel, Jacques and Colbert, Francois
December, 1991