Public Policy, Parallel Cultures and Economic Survival


Research Abstract
Public Policy, Parallel Cultures and Economic Survival

This notebook contains the background materials for annual meeting of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies held in New York City, November 7-10, 1991. The theme of the meeting was Public Policy, Parallel Cultures and Economic Survival.

Peer Session Agendas.
Participant Directory.
Biographies of Speakers.
Issues Papers: NASAA Assistance to SAAs...Federal /State Partnership. 
Cultural Pluralism. 
Results of Undeserved Categories Survey. 
Letter to NEA Chairman on BSG/AIE. 
NASAA Focus Group and Think Tank Summaries. 
Presentation to the National Council - August. 
NASAA Overview.
NASAA Committees for FY1991.
SAA Directory, October 1991.
NASAA Staff for FY1991.
NASAA Organization Structure.
FY91 Treasurer's Report.
Business Meeting Materials (including Budget information).
Board of Directors Materials.
Executive Committee Materials.

This notebook contains the background materials for annual meeting of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies held in New York City, November 7-10, 1991. The theme of the meeting was Public Policy, Parallel Cultures and Economic Survival.

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
200 p.
December, 1991

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
1029 Vermont Avenue, NW, 2nd Floor
DC, 20005