Author(s): Marty Pottenger & Jess Solomon
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2016

Part of the Americans for the Arts Artists & Communities conversation series that pairs veteran community arts leaders with emerging community arts leaders to share their visions for, experiences with, and challenges to making healthy, equitable, vibrant communities through arts and culture. As community-based work receives more recognition, and intersections and collaborations become stronger, these conversations illuminate just how artists and community arts leaders can work to sustain and maintain healthy communities through their practice.

Author(s): Waldorf, Lynn
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2016

This needs assessment report quantifies key challenges facing Colorado’s visual artists and identifies potential solutions to those challenges. The information will help Colorado Artists, other arts organizations and local cultural agencies better understand and collectively respond to the needs of the state’s creative community.

Author(s): Robbins, Emily and Langan, Trevor
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

The maker movement is the platform for today’s artisans to create, craft, develop and prototype new and interesting ideas and products. This new, hyperlocal manufacturing environment holds potential not only for individual hobbyists but also for community-wide advances in local entrepreneurship and job creation.

Author(s): National League of Cities
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This Infographic, The Maker Movement: A Timeline of Key Modern Events, was develope to show key events the are helping to grow the maker movement in America.

Author(s): Moore, Sara R.
Date of Publication: Aug 06, 2015

This intimate, photography-based study explores the experience of first-generation college students with efficacy, culture, literacy and media. It reveals intricate details about the effects relationships have on college persistence.

Author(s): Dr. Osborne, T.L.
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2015

"Why Am I Writing This Book? There are many aspects of Hip Hop culture that exceeds beyond just the beat, a dance, or a catchy hook. The Hip Hop Lectures (Volume 1) & The Hip Hop Lectures (Volume 2) are books that were created to make a connection between the past and the present, as it relates to Hip Hop culture. Hip Hop culture has been able to accomplish so much in such a very short period of time, most of which includes the bridging of generational and racial gaps locally and internationally. The hope; however, is that the culture continues to grow and evolve to a point where

Author(s): Dowd, Maureen
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2014

Transcript of Maureen Dowd's lecture, for the 27th Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy on March 24, 2014.

Author(s): Newmark, Craig
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2014

In this accessible infographic, we learn about trends and tools that can lead nonprofits to more effective Crowdfunding.


Author(s): The Editors of ARTnews
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Each year, ARTnews magazine publishes a list of the top 200 most active art collectors in the world. ARTnews correspondents generate the list through interviews with dealers, auctioneers, museum directors, curators, and consultants. The names are listed in alphabetical order by last name and include city of residence(s). 

Author(s): Springboard for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

The Irrigate toolkit stemmed from the Irrigate project, which leveraged the arts to offset the disruption caused by construction of a new rail line in St.Paul, MN. Disruption is something that all communities face at some point in their trajectories, and this toolkit clearly lays out how the arts can help help turn a ubiquitous challenge into positive outcomes.
