Author(s): Axelrod, Nancy R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

There is a tremendous need for board development in the nonprofit world. The responsibility for board development belongs to the board chairperson (the chief elected officer of the board) in concert with the chief executive and other officers of the board. Some nonprofit boards have established a standing committee of the board that attends to selection, orientation, continuing education, and evaluation of the members.

Author(s): Kurtz, Daniel L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

This book is a guide to the legal principles that govern the liabilities of directors and officers of charitable organizations and has been written primarily for those innumerable vollunteers who are recruited each year for leadership positions in nonprofit organizations. Several factors have created an urgent need for a book that offers guidance for those in nonprofit organizations and practical information on their board responsibilities and possible liabilities.

Author(s): Ingram, Richard T.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

Author(s): Lynch, Robert L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

This booklet recounts 10 years of service of the National Assembly of the Local Arts Agencies. Prepared by National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies in Washington, DC in 1988.

Author(s): Opinion Research Corporation; Research Strategies Corporation
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

Study commissioned by Peat Marwick and in cooperation with the Independent Sector. For well over a year, there has been growing concern in America's boardrooms about the unprecedented liability exposure now faced by directors and officers of both corporations and not-for-profit organizations. A sharp rise in the number of liability suits and spiraling insurance costs have made it increasingly difficult for officers and directors to protect themselves.

Author(s): Denmark, Leon B.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

The author discusses changing role of the board of trustees for arts organizations, in particular medium size ones. In the era of declining government funding, the board of an arts organization should look to its local community to find members that can help financially. The author describes his experience with the Negro Ensemble Company.

Author(s): Fram, Eugene H. and Brown, Vicki
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

This book proposes to strengthen nonprofit boards and to improve their productivity through an organizational format called the Corporate Model. Although the switch to the Corporate model is not easy to achieve, it is, I assure you, worth the effort.

Author(s): Gerstein, Bernard
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

The author discusses his experiences of serving on the boards of the New York Shakespeare Festival, Feld Ballet and the Lincoln Center Theater

Author(s): Thorn, George W.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

The author examines redefining the role of the board of trustees and understanding the financial needs of their arts organizations and be able to contribute to those needs.

Author(s): Katz, Steven L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

Museums in America create a unique public benefit by stimulating the human urge to explore and learn. Whether we enter a museum of art or science, natural history or American history, our senses become a thoroughfare to the past, present, and future. Museums are committed to both reflection and response and evoke these on a scale few individuals could ever achieve without stimulus.
