Author(s): Florida, Richard
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Weaving storytelling with masses of new and updated research, Richard Florida traces the fundamental theme that runs through a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society: the growing role of creativity in our economy.

Author(s): Winner, E., Goldstein and T. R., Vincent-Lancrin, S.,
Date of Publication: June 1, 2013

Artists, alongside scientists and entrepreneurs, are role models for innovation in our societies. Not surprisingly, arts education is commonly said to be a means of developing skills considered as critical for innovation: critical and creative thinking, motivation, self-confidence, and ability to communicate and cooperate effectively, but also skills in non-arts academic subjects such as mathematics, science, reading and writing. Does arts education really have a positive impact on the three subsets of skills that we define as “skills for innovation”: technical skills, skills in

Author(s): Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University
Date of Publication: 2013

This guide answers common questions that leaders have about web accessibility, while the companion guide Web Accessibility for Nonprofit Web Developers provides resources for your web developer to implement accessibility on your organization’s website.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: March 2020

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts bring us joy, help us express our values, and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of a healthy community—strengthening them socially, educationally, and economically—benefits that persist even in difficult social and economic times.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: May 2020

Local arts agencies—arts councils, arts commissionscultural affairs departments—are an essential tool for community leaders as they rebuild their economies and promote social cohesion. The nation’s 4,500 local arts agencies (LAAs) support, present, and promote the dynamic value of the arts. Through their partnerships and leadership, LAAs are building healthier communities through the arts.

Author(s): Jessica Stern
Date of Publication: June 28, 2019

This fact sheet provides data and examples of how the arts foster inspiration, empathy, and leadership - all which establish a platform to innovate in an ever-evolving economy.

Author(s): McQueen, Ann
Date of Publication: January 2015

The Fledgling Fund, a private foundation launched in 2005, seeks to “inspire a better world” by supporting the work of documentary filmmakers and building the evolving field of social issue documentary film and media.  It believes in the power of film to engage communities in timely issues and focuses its grantmaking on supporting filmmakers’ outreach and engagement efforts, helping them build awareness, strengthen movements, inform decisions, and even impact policy.  While all the films it supports address

Author(s): Wales, Jane; Ubinas, Luis A.; Bannick, Matt; Hallstein, Eric; Rodin, Judith; MacPherson, Nancy; Brest, Paul; Canales, James E.; Rafter, Kevin
Date of Publication: May 2012

This piece sheds light on the philanthropic sector’s efforts to improve measurement and evaluation (M&E), specifically within the context of foundations involved in social change work. The broad observations of the six contributing authors are that purpose; cost-benefit ratio; culture, context and capacity; unit of analysis; timing; feedback; and transparency matter to measurement and evaluation. Luis A. Ubinas, president of the Ford Foundation, discusses how an organization’s results-focused climate is established and can be used to “define, promote and reinforce a
