Author(s): Rosenbaum, Lee
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1981


Author(s): Wall, Geoffrey and Knapper, Christopher
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1981

This book contains 23 sections, which include the following sections:

  • The Economic Impact
  • Visitors Characteristics
  • Purchasing Behaviour
  • Copyright

Author(s): Wynne, George G.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

[Many] of the world's greatest public buildings and spaces, were the result of design competitions. . . . But competitions that promote design excellence, and access on equal terms for unrecognized talent, need not be confined to giant projects. Housing for the elderly, playgrounds, community parks, cultural facilities and derelict streetscapes can all be improved through the competition route.

Author(s): Harris, Jeffrey A.; Langstaff, David H.; Lein, Lawrence C.; Maillard, Kristina; and Zehner, Jon H.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Even before we had actually seen a cultural restoration project, it became clear from our preliminary research that urban rehabilitation/cultural restoration projects seemed to have two undesireable elements in common: first, a long time-span (often 8-10 years) between the inception of the project and the time when the theatre involved could run on its own; and second, a history dominated by markedly random progress from inception to completion.

Author(s): Peck, Robert A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Paper presented at Conference on the Economic Impact of the Arts, sponsored by Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, held in Ithaca, New York, May 27-28, 1981.

Author(s): Educational Facilities Laboratories
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

This is an advocacy report, to encourage the reuse of surplus public schools - and under-used sections of operating schools - for the arts. We point out the advantages of surplus school space and arts arrangements to both the public schools and to arts organizations and artists. We cite case examples in a variety of communities, demonstrating a range of spatial, financial, programmatic and governance arrangements, and a broad spectrum of arts uses. Finally we conclude by a review of some of the lessons derived from the case studies that can serve as guidelines in carrying out similar projects

Author(s): Association of Art Museum Directors
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

This report of the Ethics and Standards Committee of the Association of Art Museum Directors is based upon an updating and rewriting of the professional practices statement published in 1971. Even under ideal circumstances, the proper assignment of responsibility in the administration of an art museum proves to be a complicated matter.

Author(s): Anderson Notter Finegold
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

With bipartisan support, the state legislature allocated funds for this feasibility study. The goals of the study were: To forecast the demand for performing arts facilities in Queens into the 21st century; To define the type of facilities needed; To examine site alternatives with emphasis on economic development and revitalization; To estimate capital costs and operational budgets; To develop a funding strategy for operational self sufficiency; To examine the application of new technology; and To make recommendations based on the above.

Author(s): Brown, Lance Jay
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Sheltering the arts, or the rise of the culturebox by Robert Campbell.
Museums without walls, capital, column or ornament by Jane Holtz Kay.
The abandoned gold mine for the arts: can we afford not to reopen it? by Michael O'Hare.
The abandoned gold mine for the arts: Can we afford not to reopen it? by Congressman Fred Richmond.
Coins and culture: Pulling private purse strings by Jane Holtz Kay.
Helping the artist to live and work in the city: the evolution of a new strategy by Jane Robbins.
Introduction to 1981 program by Lance J. Brown.
Risk taking to

Author(s): Coe, Linda C.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1979

"Funding Sources for Cultural Facilities: Private and Federal Support for Capital Projects" was copublished by the National Endowment for the Art and the Oregon Arts Commission to outline the varied sources of funding available to cultural organizations.
