Author(s): Williams, Caroline and Sharamitaro, Lisa
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2002

In this article we take the position that, current trends aside, the investment strategies that emerged over the last ten years can inform the cultural sector in exciting and innovative ways. We explore three specific financial investment strategies for their potential applicability in the cultural sector.

Author(s): Dr. Elizabeth Strom
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2002

This article considers the emergence of new, local alliances in US cities that encourage construction for the arts as a tool of urban development.

Author(s): Mara Walker and Johanna Misey Boyer
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2002

A Report from the First Joint Convention of Americans for the Arts and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Author(s): Rectanus, Mark W.
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2002

Photographer Annie Leibowitz collaborates with American Express on a portrait exhibition. Absolut Vodka engages artists for their advertisements. Philip Morris mounts an "Arts Against Hunger" campaign in partnership with prominent museums. Is it art or PR, and where is the line that separates the artistic from the corporate? According to Mark Rectanus, that line has blurred. These mergers of art, business, and museums, he argues, are examples of the worldwide privatization of cultural funding.

Author(s): Hodsoll, Frank
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2002

In this article I describe in broad outline the nature of the transactions that define the arts sector and relationships between the for-profit and not-forprofit parts of it. I base the article on a component of a 2000 report to the Irvine Foundation, which itself was an outgrowth of the 1998 American Assembly entitled “Deals and Ideals: For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Arts Connections.”

Author(s): Kevin F. McCarthy and Elizabeth Heneghan Ondaatje
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

Examines the organizational features of the media arts, placing them in the context of the broader arts environment and identifying the major challenges they face.

Author(s): Jane Culbert and Dr. Thomas Wolf
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2001

Are significant new trends developing in philanthropy or are we witnessing an evolution that has been underway for decades? Are the new donors so different from their predecessors? This Monograph examines these questions, and considers how the trends are affecting giving in the cultural sector and the associated lessons for arts agencies.

Author(s): Kevin F. McCarthy, Arthur Brooks, Julia Lowell and Laura Zakaras
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2001

RAND examines recent trends in the performing arts and discusses how the arts are likely to evolve in the future.

Author(s): Jon Hawkes
Date of Publication: May 31, 2001

Explores the many different ways that culture affects and relates to patterns of human activities and policy realms.

Author(s): Joseph J. Cordes
Date of Publication: Feb 28, 2001

Article explores whether the benefits derived from the charitbale tax deducation are worth the cost.
