Author(s): Semark, Philip
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses budget review by the board, financial development and other tasks of working boards.

Author(s): Smith, Ann Sheridan
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses how to orient new members to the board and also how to conduct periodic reorientation for all board members due to changes in the organization.

Author(s): Dechario, Tony H.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses the functions of board committees: executive, financial, program and planning.

Author(s): Ullberg, Alan D. and Ullberg, Patricia
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

The authors have attempted to outline the major responsibilities of museum trustees and to relate those duties to the potential for legal liability if they are neglected. We have sought not to dwell on liabilities, for trusteeship should be a satisfying and fulfilling service, performed with confidence and optimism. Our objective has been to offer some guidance for the protection of trustees in those areas that can become a cause for concern.

Author(s): Craft, Robert H. Jr.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses how each member of a board can be active in contributing to the success of the organization.

Author(s): Farber, Donald C.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses the legal aspects of boards for nonprofit performing arts organizations.

Author(s): Stewart, William
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses the optimum size and growth in the size of the board as an organization grows. The author uses as an example the Hartford Stage Company where he was managing director. Published by FEDAPT, the Foundation for the Extension and Development of the American Theatre.

Author(s): Patterson, David R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses the workings of the board of Ballet Metropolitan of Columbus, Ohio, of which the author was chairman.

Author(s): Donnelly, Peter
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

Discusses the workings of the board of Seattle Repertory Theatre of which the author was the producing director. Published by FEDAPT, the Foundation for the Extension and Development of the American Theatre.

Author(s): Central Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1978

This guide presents the elementary steps for organizing and managing arts councils as well as any other civic-oriented committee. Group interaction, conducting meetings and the roles of administrators, boards, and members are discussed.
