Author(s): Theatre Development Fund
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

A report on the origins of the Theatre Development Fund (TDF), a description of its programs and their achievements. TDF was created in 1967 and began operations in 1968.

Author(s): Huntington, Paul A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

The paper examines a relationship between price policy and revenue potential. It argues that if there are more buyers at lower prices and fewer at high prices then a policy that offered seats over a range of prices will earn more revenue than one where seats are offered at a single price only. The hypothesis is tested with reference to regional Arts Council clients firstly using a t-test and then using a regression model. There is evidence that ticket price policy my have an effect on box office revenue. The study indicated that theatres offering a range of ticket prices tended to return a

Author(s): Shanahan, James L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

This study, sponsored by the American Council for the Arts (ACA) and funded by the Knight Foundation, is a response to the need for an objective analysis and evaluation of united arts funds - a need that has become increasingly pressing as communities try to meet the arts funding challenges of the 1990s.

Author(s): McGlynn, Anita
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Annual statistical profile of united arts funds.

Author(s): Belcher, Jane C. and Jacobsen, Julia M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Ideas are products of individual human minds. Some of the ideas that emerge in educational and comparable institutions are potentially as important to the institution as their endowments, and it is these ideas that are the concern of this guidebook; how to encourage their articulation, how to muster the cooperation necessary to turn them into formal blueprints, and how to secure whatever support is needed to see them materialize as projects serving the interests of the originators and their institutions.

Author(s): Kelly, Kathleen S
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Little research has been done on encroachment by fund raising in nonprofit organizations, including those with missions in the arts. A national survey of 175 public relations managers documented fund-raising encroachment at 42 percent of arts and cultural organizations represented in the study.

Author(s): Better Business Bureau
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Published by the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York, Education and Research Foundation the New York Giving Guide discusses ethical standards for groups who offer support to nonprofit organizations and guidelines for acceptance of such funds.

Author(s): Reiss, Alvin H.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Published by the Fund Raising Institute, a division of the Taft Group. This book has resulted from my 30-year love affair with the arts and my attempt, through writing, to cover the field's growth, its search for solvency, and its reach for new audiences.

Author(s): Bergan, Helen J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Seeking funds has become more difficult as government and foundation funding has diminished or changed focus. The individual donor has become the primary source of funding for many nonprofits. Finding information on that donor is often is gather biographical information on...potential large donors, possible appointees to an organization's board or leaders of a major fund-raising [fundraising] campaign.... It is the purpose of this book to give prospect researchers, fund raisers and development officers concrete methods for the fund-raising process. It tells which

Author(s): Noga, Stephen M. and Gorski, Heather A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Survey conducted by the Gallup Organization for Independent Sector; analyzed by Virginia Ann Hodgkinson and Murray S. Weitzman with Stephen M. Noga and Heather A. Gorski. In 1992, Independent Sector commissioned The Gallup Organization to conduct a national survey on the giving and volunteering behavior of Americans.
