Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Four times a year, this subscription service rushes descriptions of recently awarded grants to your development office. The Quarterly brings you the latest series of grants awarded by some of the country's most influential funders, keeping you abreast of the current funding priorities of these important grantmakers.

Author(s): Wu, Chin-tao
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Corporations had, of course, for some time been making contributions to art museums and other cultural organizations. In the 1970s, while continuing in the generally passive role of being solicited for donations, businesses had begun to be active participants in the framing and shaping of the discourse of contemporary culture. What was new in the 1980s was that this active involvement became ubiquitous and comprehensive.

Author(s): Finn, David and Jedlicka, Judith A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Since the 19th century, American business leaders have contributed to the formation of many of the best museums, performance groups, and arts foundations in this country. The Art of Leadership concentrates on 29 of these leaders, specifically those active during the last three decades in the Business Committee for the Arts, a national organization founded to strengthen the bond between the two sectors.

Author(s): Jordan, Michael H.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

Critics say that we cannot afford to fund the arts at the federal level. The argument here is that we cannot afford not to when the arts clearly enhance community livability which, in turn, attracts industry, provides jobs, increases the tax base, and enriches us all. (from abstract)

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The new 1997/1998 Grant Guide series provides you with up-to-date information on the grants recently awarded in your field. With descriptions of hundreds - often thousands - of foundation grants ($10,000 or more) recently awarded in your subject area, these Grant Guides will help you to: Locate funders for your specific project - the subject index lets you search for grantmakers by hundreds of key words. Discover the grantmakers that favor your geographical area - the geographic index directs you to foundations that have funded projects in your state or country. Target foundations by grants

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The new 1997/1998 Grant Guide series provides you with up-to-date information on the grants recently awarded in your field. With descriptions of hundreds - often thousands - of foundation grants ($10,000 or more) recently awarded in your subject area, these Grant Guides will help you to: Locate funders for your specific project - the subject index lets you search for grantmakers by hundreds of key words. Discover the grantmakers that favor your geographical area - the geographic index directs you to foundations that have funded projects in your state or country. Target foundations by grants

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The new 1997/1998 Grant Guide series provides you with up-to-date information on the grants recently awarded in your field. With descriptions of hundreds - often thousands - of foundation grants ($10,000 or more) recently awarded in your subject area, these Grant Guides will help you to: Locate funders for your specific project - the subject index lets you search for grantmakers by hundreds of key words. Discover the grantmakers that favor your geographical area - the geographic index directs you to foundations that have funded projects in your state or country. Target foundations by grants

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The new 1997/1998 Grant Guide series provides you with up-to-date information on the grants recently awarded in your field. With descriptions of hundreds - often thousands - of foundation grants ($10,000 or more) recently awarded in your subject area, these Grant Guides will help you to: Locate funders for your specific project - the subject index lets you search for grantmakers by hundreds of key words. Discover the grantmakers that favor your geographical area - the geographic index directs you to foundations that have funded projects in your state or country. Target foundations by grants

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The new 1997/1998 Grant Guide series provides you with up-to-date information on the grants recently awarded in your field. With descriptions of hundreds - often thousands - of foundation grants ($10,000 or more) recently awarded in your subject area, these Grant Guides will help you to: Locate funders for your specific project - the subject index lets you search for grantmakers by hundreds of key words. Discover the grantmakers that favor your geographical area - the geographic index directs you to foundations that have funded projects in your state or country. Target foundations by grants

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The new 1997/1998 Grant Guide series provides you with up-to-date information on the grants recently awarded in your field. With descriptions of hundreds - often thousands - of foundation grants ($10,000 or more) recently awarded in your subject area, these Grant Guides will help you to: Locate funders for your specific project - the subject index lets you search for grantmakers by hundreds of key words. Discover the grantmakers that favor your geographical area - the geographic index directs you to foundations that have funded projects in your state or country. Target foundations by grants
