Author(s): Andras Szanto, Ph.D.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2003

This study contrasts grantmaking by leading American foundations in the years 2001 (the most recent year for which comprehensive data were available) and 1990, the first full year after the Cold War.1 The conclusions are sobering: among the minority of foundations that support the arts, international exchange grants – that is, grants that directly encourage artists, productions or arts experts to cross America’s borders – rank among the lowest of funding priorities. When measured at the height of American philanthropic activity, total direct grants for international arts

Author(s): Cynthia P. Schneider, Ph.D.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2003

Today, more than ever, the United States seeks to earn the respect and praise of the world, but opinion polls suggest that the country is falling short of the mark. The economic and military might which has gained the United States an unchallenged position of supremacy has not sufficed to win hearts and minds. But the power of America always has resided more in its moral than its military authority. In the face of criticism of the United States’ unilateralism, most manifest in the invasion of Iraq, that moral authority appears to be eroding in the eyes of the world. How to reinstate it? How

Author(s): Juliet Antunes Sablosky, Ph.D.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2003

Cultural diplomacy is back. In the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001 a plethora of articles, reports, and op-ed pieces has appeared, urging greater attention to how the United States, its values, culture, and policies are perceived abroad and to how we can improve those perceptions. Among the recommendations are calls for increased efforts in the area of cultural diplomacy. Ironically, the renewed interest in cultural diplomacy comes at a time when the country’s resources and infrastructure for it are at their lowest levels in recent years. Since 1993, budgets have fallen

Author(s): Beers, Charlotte
Date of Publication: Dec 18, 2002

We are really fortunate today to have a guest here whose name means everything to us in the Educational and Cultural Bureau and Public Diplomacy. I'd just like to introduce her and ask her to stand. Mrs. Fulbright. (Applause.) Thank you. That means we're really going to have to pay attention to what we say about our exchanges.

Author(s): Research Division
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

This National Endowment for the Arts research note, Research Division Note #74, summarizes the latest research comparing government (public) arts expenditures in the U.S. with the spending levels of other countries.

Author(s): Australia Council
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

A new Australian Council resource for arts organizations which focuses specifically on the development of non-English speaking background audiences. In doing so it brings together two key concerns: the Council's Arts for a Multicultural Australia policy and our ongoing commitment to audience development, in particular marketing skills development. (from abstract)

Author(s): Halpin, Margaret and Martin, Linda
Date of Publication: Nov 30, 1993

December 1993 Monograph explores results of a National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies (NALAA) survey of local arts agencies (LAAs) engaged in international exchange.

Author(s): Dambach, Charles F.
Date of Publication: Nov 30, 1992

December 1992 Monograph (National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies)

Author(s): Jane M. Gullong and Noreen Tomassi, editors
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

This 1992 book lists financial resources for international arts excange programs, residencies, and other international arts programs. This book also provides a brief history of financial support for international art exchange.

Author(s): Ivey, Bill
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report begins by redefining “cultural diplomacy” in light of current events, and then reviews the history and current state of cultural diplomacy efforts. Our report concludes by identifying key challenges, possible initiatives, and essential questions that, if engaged, can enable cultural institutions, government agencies, arts industries, policy makers, and private sector leaders to harness the global movement of our expressive life to advance our national goals.
