Author(s): Dabson, Laura and West, Edwin G.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Cultural Economics held at the Canada Council, Ottawa, Canada, September 27-30, 1988.

Author(s): Leemans, Hein
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Cultural Economics held at the Canada Council, Ottawa, Canada, September 27-30, 1988.

Author(s): Orend, Richard J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

Using data collected from Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA), the author discusses three areas: the patterns of socialization in the arts, the relationship of those patterns to adult participation in arts-related activities, and the relationship of socialization patterns to demand for increased participation.

Author(s): Balfe, Judith Huggins
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

Judith H. Balfe, a sociologist at the City University of New York, begins this series of essays with a multi-faceted examination of the giving and attendance patterns of the baby-boom generation, in which she presents a number of provocative challenges to conventional wisdom. She asks us to rethink entrenched assumptions about arts participation, particularly its interrelationship with educational level. The baby-boom generation has had more direct arts socialization than their elders, yet their actual arts participation rates are lower than the national average for many art forms,

Author(s): Hendon, R. Claude
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

This paper compares data from 1982 and 1985 surveys of Public Participation in the Arts with frequency of activities in Florida nursing homes in 1987-1988.

Author(s): Janowitz, Barbara
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1988

This annual survey of a representative group of nonprofit theatres was known as the TCG fiscal survey in 1974, 1975, 1976; the TCG survey in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; and as Theatre facts since 1981. Theatre Facts also appears as a supplement to American Theatre magazine, usually in the April issue.

Author(s): National Research Center of the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

Highlights of a study that shows the role that the arts play in the lives of the American people. It is the fifth in-depth national survey on the arts conducted by the Harris organization since 1973. This study reports the behavior patterns of adult Americans in their attendance of the major disciplines in the arts, as well as their direct participation in the arts.

Author(s): Zill, Nicholas and Winglee, Marianne
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

There is widespread concern among observers of the contemporary cultural scene that the has become a nation of watchers, rather than a nation of readers. New evidence that such concern is warranted is presented in this report. The report examines the state of literature in the by looking not at what is being written or published, but at how many people are reading fiction, poetry and drama; what kinds of people literature readers are; and what kinds of works they are reading. The number and kinds of people who are trying to do creative writing are also described. The study is based primarily

Author(s): National Research Center of the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

This is a definitive study of the role that the arts play in the lives of the American people. It is the fifth in-depth national survey on the arts conducted by the Harris organization since 1973. This is the third study to be commissioned by Philip Morris Companies,Inc., who sponsored the studies in 1980 and in 1984. This survey was designed both to update significant substantive trends reported in earlier surveys and to probe important emerging areas of concern to the arts. This study reports the behavior patterns of adult Americans in their attendance of the major disciplines in the arts,

Author(s): Westat
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

List of tables.
List of charts.
