Author(s): Reiss, Alvin H.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1973

The new, updated handbook, with selective material drawn from the 79 issues of Arts Management published between February 1962 and February 1973 is a carefully organized compendium of practical information. A new section included in this revised edition focuses on publications of direct interest to the arts administrator. Following chapter ten, for example, there is a series of articles about books and reports published between 1969 nd 1973 which may be useful as an annotated bibliography. Also included is the popular Newsletter feature, Checklist, which carries year by year listings of

Author(s): McGrath, Kyran M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1972

This report consists of information from 778 museums which responded to a questionnaire.

Author(s): Cross, Carol M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

A review of the 1969 Metropolitan Opera labor dispute, and its implications for the future. (Table of Contents, p. 2). Includes articles and excerpts from articles from The New York Times and Newsweek. This case was prepared from published sources by Carol M. Cross. Copyright 1970 by the Institute of Arts Administration.

Author(s): Kuendig, Leonore
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

An analysis of the fixed and variable costs involved in management's consideration of trying to increase revenue via reducing number of productions or extending the season. Includes probability assessments. (Table of Contents, p. 2). This case was written by Leonore Kuendig under the direction of Stephen A. Greyser.

Author(s): Fischer, Joseph O.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

Concepts for the Development of Local Arts Councils and Other Art Groups: A Handbook for Basic Orientation to Matters Dealing With the Administration of Arts Programs and Projects for the Practical Solution of Routine Problems and for Reference in Times of Crisis or Concern is a guide to dealing with problems of arts organizations on the local level.

Author(s): Cross Carol M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

Management considers planning and promotion for the following season, in light of a recently completed audience research study. (

Author(s): Gladstone, Myron J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

This report contains the findings of a survey of New York State museums conducted from November 1971 to May 1972 by the New York State Association of Museums. 105 museums, historical societies, zoos, and botanical gardens participated.

Author(s): Greyser, Stephen A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

Trustees consider personnel policy and organizational changes as a result of experience with cliques among artistic staff.

Author(s): Faine, Hyman R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

In this paper I address myself to the nature of trade union activities and collective bargaining between management and labor in the field of nonprofit arts enterprises. These include symphony orchestras, theatre, opera, and dance companies, as well as museums. I am limiting myself to arts enterprises where profitability is not the prime objective of the organization.

Author(s): Arian, Edward
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1970

The author examines the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1901 through 1969. He looks at the effects of and choices in both programming and the board of directors. The author analyzes the orchestra musician as a career in an organization. Finally, he traces the effects of bureaucratization in the alienation of performers as well as community.
