Author(s): Hager, Mark
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2000

The research described in this Monograph is drawn from an in-depth study of the growth and decline of nonprofit organizations in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota. The research project began in 1980 with a survey of 229 nonprofits there.

Author(s): Gross, Malvern J. Jr.; Larkin, Richard F.; and McCarthy, John H.
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 2000

Nonprofit organizations are subject to complex sets of regulations that reflect the diverse organizations that are covered under these rules: charitable organizations, social welfare organizations, memberships organizations, advocacy groups, and many more.

Author(s): Bill Moskin and Jill Jackson
Date of Publication: May 31, 1999

This Monograph explores an alternative view of stabilization, one that comes from a community perspective and focuses on the delivery of cultural services to a community rather than on individual cultural institutions. In the process, some emerging trends surrounding cultural participation, regionalism, and a new form of philanthropy will be identified.

Author(s): Indiana Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1998

The information and materials in this handbook were compiled to provide the Indiana Arts Commission's Regional Partner Organizations with assistance in developing and implementing their regional grants making programs for allocating Regional Partnership Initiative block grant funding. Information in this handbook is based on the Indiana Arts Commission's past grants making policies and practices. Except where noted, specific policies, practices, and forms are optional. All information and materials may be modified to meet the specific needs of the Regional Partner Organization.

Author(s): Lang, Andrew S. and Sorrells, Michael
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1998

This book is a line-by-line guide for helping tax-exempt organizations prepare and understand the various items reported on the IRS Form 990. Information provided may also be helpful to organizations while reviewing the form when prepared by an outsider.

Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1998

During winter 1997, Americans for the Arts sent surveys to 70 UAFs to collect detailed data about their 1996 fundraising campaigns, revenues and expenditures and programming. This report is based on responses from 59 of the UAFs- an 84 percent rate of compliance.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 1998

This issue of the Monograph highlights findings from the Local Arts Agency Facts Survey competed in 1998.

Author(s): Dorpkin, Murray and La Touche, Bill
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

We wrote this workbook to offer nonprofits a comprehensive and systematic approach to developing and monitoring a budget. One of the most important objectives was to create a resource that will be understandable and useful to those with no financial background, as well as those with extensive financial backgrounds. To accomplish this objective, we have incorporated detailed explanations, checklists, worksheets, examples and simple-to-use forms to address every phase of budgeting. For this reason, we believe The Budget-Building Book for Nonprofits will be a practical resource for

Author(s): Stevenson, David R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

A revolution is coming in access to information on arts organizations. The Form 990 of all organizations that file this information document with the federal government are being scanned and placed on CD-ROM disks and may be available to the public through the Internet and other electronic media in 1999. Every financial line item and program description can and will be viewed and judged by any interested member of society. Similar to the way government, private funders and other supporters are developing performance measures for arts organizations, members of the public may be developing

Author(s): Zinno, Sally
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

National Arts Stabilization (NAS) is a nonprofit arts management group that helps arts organizations build a strong foundation on which creativity and innovation can flourish. Believing that organizational health supports artistic excellence, NAS cooperates with communities to strengthen arts organizations by developing the managerial and financial skills required to thrive in today's environment. Since its inception as a nonprofit organization in 1983, NAS has been instrumental in helping a total of seventy-six arts organizations in seven project sites gain long-term institutional health
