Author(s): Philanthropy Journal Staff Writer
Date of Publication: Apr 05, 2004

This article provides an overview of results from an Association of Fundraising Professionals survey on the amount of funds raised by nonprofit organizations in the United States.

Author(s): Theis, Suanne and Stoilis, Kim
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2004

Everyones Internet (Ev1. Net) Art Car Weekend is an annual public art festival in Houston, Texas that celebrates the drive to create. It draws more than 1,400 participating artists from around the U.S., Canada and Mexico and a live audience of more than 150,000 for a parade and related events. Now 18 years old, this event has inspired other art car events throughout the US, but Houston's Art Car Weekend is a signature event, the biggest and best. This case study discusses the need and process of gaining sponsorships for the program.

Author(s): Renz, Loren and Lawrence, Steven
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2003

The research for this report was conducted by The Foundation Center. This preview provides a "first look" at estimates of 2003 giving and directions for 2004 giving, along with actual 2002 giving and assets data for 65,000 U.S. foundations. Findings from the report indicate that: 

Author(s): Bush, Robert
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2003

In communities of all sizes, United Arts Ffunds (UAF) are working to broaden the base of support for the arts, promote excellence in the arts and arts management, and to ensure that arts organizations are financially stable.

Author(s): Ferris, James M., Ph.D.
Date of Publication: Nov 30, 2003

This research paper provides an analysis of data about the assets and giving of California foundations for the years 2000 and 2001. It updates information from a baseline analysis of the state's foundations during the 1990's and examines trends.

Author(s): Eric C. Twombly and Erica Lagerson
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2003

Report illustrates important evidence that supports the effectiveness of UAFs as a component of local arts funding

Author(s): Rushton, Michael
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

Although in principle there are as many ways of creating an earmarked tax for the arts as there are sources of government revenue, for major metropolitan areas in the U.S. there are three options that dominate: the retail sales tax; occupancy taxes on hotels, motels and the like (usually simply referred to as hotel/motel taxes); and, the property tax.

Author(s): Mirenda, Ron
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2003

This article provides facts and statistics about the philanthropic potential of minority communities in the . In addition, the author offers strategies for assisting fundraisers in identifying and connecting with prospective minority donors.

Author(s): Hass, Debra A. and Morrissey, Rachel W.
Date of Publication: May 31, 2003

The Donors Forum of Chicago surveyed 44 local grantmaking organizations from its membership database and 153 nonprofit organizations in March 2003. The survey aimed to understand how current events, including uncertain economic times and the largest state budget cuts in Illinois history, affect the fiscal health and outlook of organizations.

Author(s): Warshawski, Morrie
Date of Publication: May 31, 2003

When it first appeared in 1994, Shaking the Money Tree became an instant classic in the field of fundraising for independent noncommercial film and video. Now consultant Morrie Warshawski has created a new, completely revised and updated version that gives filmmakers the full story on how to get grants and donations from individuals, foundations, government agencies, and corporations in the 21st century. (Publisher's synopsis)
