Author(s): Kevin F. McCarthy, Arthur Brooks, Julia Lowell and Laura Zakaras
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2001

RAND examines recent trends in the performing arts and discusses how the arts are likely to evolve in the future.

Author(s): Wuthnow, Robert
Date of Publication: Feb 28, 2001

In a provocative book that explores the fascinating link between the creative and the sacred, the author claims that artists have become the spiritual vanguard of our time.

Author(s): Grant, Daniel
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

A handy survival guide and resource tool for visual artists seeking to live in New York City. It covers topics and tips such as how to find affordable studio space, getting ones work exhibited, and other problems that newcomers might encounter. Material is based on hundreds of interviews with New York artists.

Author(s): Pepin, Christopher
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2000

This article does not really address copyright law relevant to arts organization or artists, but is an interesting look at Canadian libraries and demonstrates the dramatic differences that exist even between common law countries. For example, in the , fair use (most simply, nonprofit use is fair use) is practiced. However, in Canada, United Kingdom and Australia, the operative concept is fair dealing. That is, most simply, all reproduction is copyright infringement except for a very few and very narrowly defined exceptions.

Author(s): Villani, John
Date of Publication: Jul 31, 2000

Across the country, historic structures that once served as thriving parts of the urban fabric have escaped the wrecking ball and found new life serving the needs of the local arts community, revitalizing downtowns, and turning Americas architectural legacies into appreciated assets.

Author(s): Taylor, Ed
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2000

This essay discusses which is part of Lessons Learned: A Planning Toolsite produced by the National Endowment for the Arts discusses the importance of planning to arts organizations. The author examines what is involved in the planning process and what it can foster in arts organizations including creativity, an entrepreneurial model to succeed, self-knowledge, and a prelude for relations with funders. In addition, he outlines various reasons arts organizations may shy away from the planning process.

Author(s): Wu Hung
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

University of Chicago professor Hung Wuy defines experimental art in China, and explains it role and history since its beginnings in 1979.

Author(s): Wasserstein, Wendy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1999

The 12th annual Nancy Hanks lecture on arts and public policy, presented by the American Council for the Arts, at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Eisenhower Theater, Washington, DC, March 15, 1999. The transcript is from the lecturer's talk, Wendy Wasserstein.

Author(s): Crawford, Tad and Mellon, Susan
Date of Publication: May 01, 1998

"[The authors] have compiled almost every word there is to be said on the legal aspects of consignment selling. The book is aimed at clearing away the misgivings and misconceptions which abound on both sides of the fence." -- The Crafts Report

Author(s): Crawford, Tad and Mellon, Susan
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 1998

Introduction by Daniel Grant.
