Author(s): Voss, Zannie Giraud and Voss, Glenn B.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2005

Theatre Facts uses responses to the annual TCG Fiscal Survey to offer an analysis of the field's attendance, performance and fiscal health. Theatre Facts 2005 compiles information for the fiscal year that theatres completed anytime during the period September 30, 2004, and August 31, 2005.

Author(s): Korza, Pam and Schaffer Bacon, Barbara
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2005

Cultural Perspectives in Civic Dialogue shares the efforts of cultural organizers who are skilled in working deeply within and across cultures to understand important cultural considerations in arts-based civic dialogue work. Their endeavors illuminate how cultural norms mediate public space and participation, as well as how the choices regarding art forms and dialogue approaches can support or discourage civic participation of various cultural groups. In the King Kamehameha I Statue Conservation Project, rural Hawai’ian residents deliberated how best to conserve a

Author(s): Sapp, Dona
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2004

This issue brief reports analysis of arts and cultural participation in Indiana. The analysis was conducted by the Center for Urban Policy and the Environment at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.

Author(s): Richard, Julie A.
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2004

Americans for the Arts and the National School Boards Association are now working together to increase the presence and quality of public school arts education.

Author(s): Suzanne Callahan
Date of Publication: Nov 30, 2004

Singing Our Praises is designed to demystify evaluation by highlighting glowing examples of arts presenters who have used it to learn about their success. Through real-life stories, concrete tools and techniques adapted from other fields, arts practitioners are trained to design their own evaluations in order to reveal the value of their arts programs.

Author(s): National Endowment for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2004

This report presents the results from the literature segment of the Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, conducted by the Census Bureau in 2002 at the National Endowment for the Art's request.

Author(s): Borrup, Tom and Garcia, Miguel
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 2004

The authors discuss the contributions of arts and cultural organizations in revitalizing communities in the .

Author(s): Bucci McCoy, Mary
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 2004

This article describes LocalMotive: Public Art Off the Beaten Path, a project of The Revolving Museum located in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Author(s): National Endowment for the Arts
Date of Publication: Feb 29, 2004

This report describes U.S. adult arts participation in 2002.

Author(s): Tresser, Tom
Date of Publication: Jan 31, 2004

Creating Change Creatively - Activists Converge in New Orleans is the seventh in a series of nine articles on the Creative Economy.
