Author(s): Hoffman, Donald H.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1979

Today - on the local level - arts programs designed for older individuals can be organized through existing delivery systems similar to those operating in the days of WPA. A variety of such systems are available, namely, continuing education programs; county extension programs, recreation programs; community arts agencies, organizations, and centers; regional planning commissions; adult education offerings; museum education opportunities; mature-student programs; nutrition centers; and area agencies on aging. Each of these systems has been developed to enable its staff to reach particular

Author(s): National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped; CEMREL; and National Aesthetic Education Learning Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1977

This book is a summary of a national symposium on arts education for children with special needs, sponsored and convened by the National Aesthetic Education Learning Center, CEMREL, Inc. and the National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped, to explore and highlight the basic issues and problems confronting arts educators and others who are seeking to provide quality arts programs for physically, emotionally and mentally handicapped children and youth.

Author(s): Cross, Carol M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

Chronicle of a dispute over the critics' role between the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Boston music critics. (Table of Contents, p. 1). Includes reprinted articles, editorials and letters to the editor from The Boston Globe, Time, The Boston Herald-Traveler, and The Phoenix. This material was prepared from published sources by Carol M. Cross under the supervision of Douglas Schwalbe. Copyright 1970 by the Institute of Arts Administration.

Author(s): The Massachusetts Cultural Council
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report examines the investment of the state of Massachusetts in the arts and culture. According to the report, Massachusetts ranks 42nd in the nation in the average grant it awards to cultural organizations and community projects. 

Author(s): Reconnecting to Our Waterways; ArtPlace America; The Kresge Foundation; Walker, Jim
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

These documents define Creative Placemaking and relay some issues that relate to it. The authors outline how arts administrators can promote creative placemaking projects to attract people to their cities. 

Author(s): Ingenuity
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The goal of the CPS Arts Education Plan is to bring arts education to every child in every CPS school. While the work to expand arts instruction across Chicago Public Schools is ongoing, this report can provide context and construct for a new beginning. By understanding what arts resources existed in schools during the first year of the CPS Arts Education Plan, Ingenuity has established the baseline and can now track progress each year. Beginning in the fall of 2014, annual progress reports will publish changes in instructional time, staffing, partnerships, and funding. Doing so will shed

Author(s): Ingenuity
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The arts are a vital element of a 21st century education . Research conducted over the past decade shows that exposure to an education in the arts significantly decreases dropout rates, improves the likeli - hood of entering college, increases civic engagement, and ultimately promotes financial success throughout a person’s life-time . The role of the arts in securing these results lies largely in the way it stimu - lates innovation, creativity, and critical thinking, all essential skills in our world today . In order to expand and improve arts education for CPS students, we must

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: 2018

Copy of the 2018 LAA Profile survey instrument intended as reference material.

Author(s): Kline, Sarah
Date of Publication: May 2017

This analysis offers recommendations to help decision-makers in the city and region make the corridor safer for everyone, improve the economic prospects (and equity) of the area, and provide new opportunities for adding housing and jobs — all while avoiding displacement of the vital communities of residents and businesses that call the Pike home today. [Executive Summary]

Author(s): Conexion
Date of Publication: June 1, 2016

Conexión Américas has worked in partnership with the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), a leader in building healthy communities — notably with new policies in 2010 that prioritized transportation projects with walking and bicycling infrastructure and dedicated funds for active transportation. [Introduction, p. 1]
