Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

A report on the first two years of progress following the 2016 adoption of the Americans for the Arts Statement on Cultural Equity by that organization, with accompanying data and analysis. Also includes recommendations for future work.

Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

This report reviews results from the 2018 Local Arts Agency Profile Equitable Investment module, which was completed by 537 local arts agencies (LAAs) across the United States. It focuses on how, when, and where LAAs currently consider equity in the deployment of their funds, time, space, and staff.

Author(s): Transportation for America
Date of Publication: January 2018

Produced by Transportation for America, Smart Growth America, and Americans for the Arts, this toolkit walks the reader through the six steps of a "State of the Arts Transportation Training," utilizing creative placemaking strategies to address a transportation project.  

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: March 2020

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts bring us joy, help us express our values, and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of a healthy community—strengthening them socially, educationally, and economically—benefits that persist even in difficult social and economic times.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: May 2020

Local arts agencies—arts councils, arts commissionscultural affairs departments—are an essential tool for community leaders as they rebuild their economies and promote social cohesion. The nation’s 4,500 local arts agencies (LAAs) support, present, and promote the dynamic value of the arts. Through their partnerships and leadership, LAAs are building healthier communities through the arts.

Author(s): Rana, Sabah
Date of Publication: November 2019

"What is a Public Art Administrator?" is a simple infographic-like document that highlights what a public art administrator is, thier key duties and outlines a day in a life. This document aims to provide insight into what a public art administrator does, what experience, background or education is needed to become one, job outlook and salary ranges. "What is a Public Art Administrator?" can help those who are curious about the field to learn more and how to become one, and to provide those who are already in the field with a national perspective to help educate

Author(s): Mount, Lisa
Date of Publication: 2007

Cornerstone Theater Company and Liz Lerman Dance Exchange have each experienced founding artistic director transitions in the recent past, although the nature of those processes—and leadership results—have differed. Over the course of ten months—from December 2006 to August 2007, key individuals from Cornerstone and Dance Exchange gathered for three conversations facilitated by Lisa Mount that investigated what an artistic founder transition or evolution was and is like—primarily for the new leaders of the organizations, secondarily for the founders themselves. In

Author(s): Stewart, Shannon
Date of Publication: January 2011

In towns all across the United States, young people are using music and art to make interesting, creative, and positive things happen in their communities. They are punks, rappers, educators, singer-songwriters, artists, and community organizers who carve out safe creative spaces for people to come together. This paper by Shannon Stewart characterizes youth-based music organizations that are fostering civic engagement through music. Stewart provides a current view of these groups as preface to the 2007 All-Ages Movement Project Project Report. The All-ages Movement Project (AMP), a network

Author(s): Arts Council of America
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1964

Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference of the Arts Councils of America, held in Washington, DC, June 16-19, 1965. The theme of the conference was The Arts: A Central Element of a Good Society. The speeches and panel discussion are published in edited form.
