Author(s): Yankelovich, Skelly and White
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1974

Author(s): NGA (National Governors Association) Center for Best Practices
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Many states have created arts-based economic development strategies to support rural communities across the who are confronting economic development issues.

Author(s): Cultural Policy Center (CPC) at the University of Chicago
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The Cultural Policy Center (CPC) at The University of Chicago convened Lasting Effects: Assessing the Future of Economic Impact Analysis of the Arts, a three day conference that examined benefits and pitfalls of using economic impact analysis (EIA) as a tool for arts advocacy.

Author(s): Hughes, Howard; Allen, Danille; and Wasik, Dorota
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The Polish city of Krakow, designated an ECC for 2000, provides a case study for cultural tourism.

Author(s): Hans Mommaas
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This paper explores and discusses the fairly recent phenomenon of cultural clustering strategies in the Netherlands.

Author(s): Jason Schupbach
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This thesis investigates four arts districts (Providence, RI, Pawtucket RI, Worcester MA, and New Bedford MA) in order to answer ways in which artists can be proactively involved in the urban regeneration process.

Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Author(s): Reconnecting to Our Waterways; ArtPlace America; The Kresge Foundation; Walker, Jim
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

These documents define Creative Placemaking and relay some issues that relate to it. The authors outline how arts administrators can promote creative placemaking projects to attract people to their cities. 

Author(s): World Travel & Tourism Council
Date of Publication: January 1, 2016

Countries with a more open and sustainable tourism sector tend to be more peaceful. This research from the World Travel & Tourism Council looks for the first time at the empirical links between tourism and peace.

Author(s): McCormick, Rosemary
Date of Publication: January 1, 2010

The primary objective of MSA’s travel and tourism white paper series is to provide education and resources to increase visitation to museums and increase business at museum stores.
