Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2016

Americans for the Arts conducts an annual survey of the United Arts Fund field for the purpose of providing the best possible benchmarking information about UAF fundraising and grantmaking. We publish annual statistical reports and provide up-to-date trend information on those UAFs that have consistently participated in the survey over the past ten years.

Author(s): Marty Pottenger & Jess Solomon
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2016

Part of the Americans for the Arts Artists & Communities conversation series that pairs veteran community arts leaders with emerging community arts leaders to share their visions for, experiences with, and challenges to making healthy, equitable, vibrant communities through arts and culture. As community-based work receives more recognition, and intersections and collaborations become stronger, these conversations illuminate just how artists and community arts leaders can work to sustain and maintain healthy communities through their practice.

Author(s): Dalton, Aaron
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2016

Arts partnerships offer companies effective and cost-efficient methods of achieving critical business goals. In fact, 79% of businesses agree that the arts increases name recognition, and 74% of businesses say the arts offer networking opportunities to developing businesses (2010 BCA National Survey of Business Support for the Arts). The fourth essay in The pARTnership Movement essay series, Engage Your Employees, shares stories of how some of America’s top companies partner with the arts to build morale, creativity, and innovation in the workplace.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2016

This one pager prepared in 2016 shows trends in private sector charitable gifts to the arts, culture, and humanities from 2005-2015. The data is from The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, Giving USA 2012 with analysis by Americans for the Arts.

Author(s): Shue, Jordan
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

The pARTnership Movement is a campaign from Americans for the Arts designed to reach business leaders with the message that the arts can build their competitive advantage. Did you know that, among other resources, the pARTnership Movement has a ready-made, free advertising campaign that you can download and easily use to promote arts and business in your community? Check out the latest pARTnership Movement tool-kit on the ads, chock full of what to expect when you download them, how to partner with the business community promote them, ways to inexpensively use them in your

Author(s): Liz Lerman and Deana Haggag
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

Part of the Americans for the Arts Artists & Communities conversation series that pairs veteran community arts leaders with emerging community arts leaders to share their visions for, experiences with, and challenges to making healthy, equitable, vibrant communities through arts and culture. As community-based work receives more recognition, and intersections and collaborations become stronger, these conversations illuminate just how artists and community arts leaders can work to sustain and maintain healthy communities through their practice.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

The Congressional Arts Handbook is compiled annually to support the work of participants at Arts Advocacy Day, organized by Americans for the Arts and cosponsored by more than 85 national organizations, representing thousands of arts, culture, business, civic, and education organizations and individuals nationwide. Within this handbook, you will find a plethora of resources including facts, figures, related legislation, research, talking points, and more to help inform you on the major policy issues we are working to positively impact.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This is the sixth and final publication of the National Arts Index, Americans for the Arts’ annual report on the health and vitality of arts and culture in the United States. The 2016 National Arts Index is a highly-distilled
measure of the health and vitality of arts in the U.S.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

The 2016 National Arts Index by Americans for the Arts provides a picture of the impact of the Great Recession on the arts—before, during, and after. The impact on the arts was swift and measurable. The 4-year drop from 2007-2011 nearly doubled the 5-year gains made between 2002-2007 (-6.6 vs. +3.5 percentage points, respectively).

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This one pager give an overview of key data from the 2015 Local Arts Agency Census about how local arts agencies provide programs, services, and funding to strengthen their local arts industries and make the arts accessible to all.
