Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

This Arts Fact one pager shows the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) appropriations history for fiscal years 1966-2018.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

Students with four years of high school arts and music classes have higher SAT scores than students with one-half year or less.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

Government Funding to Arts Agencies, Federal, State, and Local: 1997 - 2017 are highlight in this one page fact sheet.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

The nonprofit arts, unlike most industries, leverage significant amounts of event-related spending by their audiences. Attendance at arts events generates related commerce for hotels, restaurants, parking garages, and more.


Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

This is a one pager of quick facts about the number of artists employed in the United States compiled from research by the Americans for the Arts Research and Policy Department.


Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

This one pager prepared in 2018 by Americans for the Arts provides an overview of the benefits of Cultural Tourism in the United States and includes the percentage of foreign visitors participating in arts & culture while visiting the U.S.


Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

This one pager features data from Americans for the Arts 2017 Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 report providing key figures of the overall economic impact the arts industry provides.


Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

This fact sheet prepared in 2018 by Americans for the arts highlihts that arts and cultural goods and services trade surpluses reached $26.4 billion in 2014. The arts are consistently outperform the overall U.S. Balance of Trade.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2018

This one pager prepared in 2018 by Amercans for the Arts shows the value of Creative Industries. Nationally, 673,565 businesses are invovled in the creation or distribution of the arts, and they employ 3.48 million people, representing 4.01 percent of all U.S. businesses and 2.01 percent of all U.S. employee.

Author(s): Gude, Olivia
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2018

Public art and arts education have been intertwined by arts administrators, educators, and artists over many years. This foundational paper explores the intersection between public art and arts education by expanding on the current state of each field, the similarities between the two, and the opportunities currently present for further engagement between them.
