Author(s): Hughes, Luanne; DiClaudio, Denelle; and Savoca, LeeAnne
Date of Publication: August 1, 2013

This fact sheet reviews the benefits to k-12 students who are invovled in gardens at the schools.

Date of Publication: July 29, 2010

This exploratory paper examines the role of food tourism in developing and sustaining regional identities within the context of rural regeneration, agricultural diversification and the creation of closer relationships between production and consumption in the countryside.

Author(s): Montanari, Massimo
Date of Publication: November 1, 2006

Elegantly written by a distinguished culinary historian, Food Is Culture explores the innovative premise that everything having to do with food—its capture, cultivation, preparation, and consumption—represents a cultural act. Even the "choices" made by primitive hunters and gatherers were determined by a culture of economics (availability) and medicine (digestibility and nutrition) that led to the development of specific social structures and traditions.

Author(s): Nina Levent and Irina D. Mihalache
Date of Publication: November 3, 2016

Food and Museums is the first book to explore the diverse, complex relationship between museums and food. This edited collection features theoretical analysis from cultural historians, anthropologists, neuroscientists, and food studies scholars; interviews with museum professionals, artists and chefs; and critical case studies from a wide range of cultural institutions and museums to establish an interdisciplinary framework for the analysis of the role of food in museums.

Author(s): South African Department of Arts and Culture
Date of Publication: July 1, 2006

International and regional studies have highlighted the integral relationship between culture and sustainable development. This can be extended into the relationship of arts and culture and food security. [Executive Summary]

Author(s): Nicole Kistler
Date of Publication: November 25, 2013

Ths report reviews work in Seattle establishing the role that the arts play related to urban agricul-ture in order to foster a culture of urban agri-culture, and make lively places and healthy communities.

Author(s): Craig Pearson and Judith Nasby
Date of Publication: August 11, 2008

Craig Pearson and Judith Nasby discuss the evolution of how we think about agriculture, its use of the land and impact on landscape, and how landscape has been portrayed historically in art. They also offer a wider discussion on the role that science and economics have played in agricultural development and the parallels to changes in art form.

Author(s): Alicia Harvie
Date of Publication: April 13, 2017

The strain in today’s farm economy is no accident; it’s the result of policies designed to enrich corporations at the expense of farmers and ranchers. If the American family farmer is to survive, farm policy needs a massive shift in direction – one that delivers fair prices to farmers that allow them to make a living.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: March 2020

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts bring us joy, help us express our values, and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of a healthy community—strengthening them socially, educationally, and economically—benefits that persist even in difficult social and economic times.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: May 2020

Local arts agencies—arts councils, arts commissionscultural affairs departments—are an essential tool for community leaders as they rebuild their economies and promote social cohesion. The nation’s 4,500 local arts agencies (LAAs) support, present, and promote the dynamic value of the arts. Through their partnerships and leadership, LAAs are building healthier communities through the arts.