Author(s): Rollins, Judy and King, Ermyn
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2015

"Findings indicate that the program addressed children’s needs at a number of points in time with six themes that have emerged from the data. These include, visits with the injured parent, self-expression, distraction and respite, parental engagement, normalization and empowerment. The findings lend support on ways an artists-in-residence program uses creative arts engagement to promote coping for children of hospitalized wounded service members and to encourage ongoing participation in the arts upon discharge.

Author(s): Gute, Gary and Gute, Deanne
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2015

On July 9-10, 2014, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) cosponsored a meeting titled “The Nature of Creativity in the Brain.” Held at SFI in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the meeting engaged a 15-member working group to perform two tasks:

Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

First essay in the book Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities featuring an introduction by Americans for the Arts CEO Robert L. Lynch. The

Author(s): Garrett, Ian
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at the role of arts and issues of environment and sustainability over the next 10 to 15 years. The

Author(s): Rollins, Judy
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at the role of arts in the healthcare system over the next 10 to 15 years. The

Author(s): Cabrera, Rosa M.
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at the role of arts in political activism and immigration over the next 10 to 15 years. The

Author(s): Zabel, Laura
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at America's changing communities, how they interact with one another, the role of the arts in that change over the next 10 to 15 years. The

Author(s): Heidelberg, Brea M.
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from "Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities". This essay explores the changing definition of "community" and the role the arts could play to have a positive impact on that change over the next 10 to 15 years. The

Author(s): Gibas, Talia
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at pending changes within the K–12 American formal education system and the role that the arts may play in positively impacting those changes over the next 10–15 years. The

Author(s): Tannenbaum, Judith
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at changes in the American prison system and the role that the arts may play in positively impacting those changes over the next 10–15 years. The
