Securing Your Organization's Future: A Complete Guide to Fundraising Strategies


Research Abstract
Securing Your Organization's Future: A Complete Guide to Fundraising Strategies

This volume is a handbook and reference work for the leaders of America's 785,000-plus nonprofits to help them in securing the futures of their organizations. It will arm the reader with the knowledge to prevail in today's climate. The secret of surviving and transcending the harsh new realities has been gleaned from years of trial and error. Simply stated, each and every nonprofit needs to seek out support from a variety of sources to achieve fiscal strength. In other words, their long-term financial well-being is linked to finding the appropriate mix of funding sources most suited to them, thereby creating a network of support. This book proceeds along this course in three sections. Section 1, Starting Right, focuses on the founding and running of an organization, including chapters on deciding purpose, setting up an organization legally, building a board of directors, planning programs and developing budgets. Each chapter outlines a step by step process that any nonprofit can apply to its own situation. A start-up checklist at the end of Section 1 provides the reader with a summary worksheet for personal use.

Except for Chapter 2 (Making an organization legal) all of these tasks are also ongoing during the life of an organization, and are intrinsic to successful fundraising. Section 2, Exploring the world of money, provides a comprehensive overview of the range of sources of revenue available to nonprofits, as well as step by step information for securing the support of the various sources presented. Chapters 7 through 12 focus specifically on different ways to secure support from individuals, including face-to-face solicitation, direct mail, special events, planned giving, and earned and venture income. Chapters 13 through 18 lend perspective to the daunting array of institutional sources, including foundations, businesses and corporations, government, religious sources, federated fundraising organizations and associations of individuals. The purpose of each of these chapters is to enable readers to decide which of these sources are appropriate for their organizations to pursue, and to guide them in effectively doing so.

Each chapter contains a worksheet that gives you the opportunity to collect pertinent information useful to your own organization in tapping any particular source. You are advised to complete these worksheets, so you will be able to gauge which mix of sources will constitute your own funding mix in Section 3. Section 3, Developing your overall fundraising plan, aids readers in designing a fundraising strategy that capitalizes on the uniqueness of their own nonprofit organization, and then in putting that strategy into action. Through a series of ten phases of activity, nonprofit leaders will learn how to evaluate their organizations' strengths and assets, choose their funding partners, set fundraising goals, design strategies to secure both individual and institutional support, and plan and implement their fundraising efforts. Again, by completing the worksheets in this section, you will be immediately able to apply what you have learned to your own situation.(p. xiii-xiv)


Section I. Getting started.

    1. Defining a statement of purpose.
    2. Making an organization legal.
    3. Building a board of directors.
    4. Putting your purpose to work - Planning your programs.
    5. Developing budgets.

Section 2. Exploring the world of money.

    6. The many sources of funding.

Part A. Approaching individuals for support.

    7. Giving from individuals - An overview.
    8. Face-to-face solicitation.
    9. Direct mail.
  10. Special events.
  11. Beyond the simple cash contribution -Planned giving.
  12. Earned and venture income.

Part B. Approaching institutions for support.

  13. Approaching foundations.
  14. Corporations and businesses.
  15. Government support.
  16. Religious institutions.
  17. Federated fundraising organizations.
  18. Associations of individuals.

Section 3. Developing your overall fundraising plan.

  19. Choosing your funding mix and the strategies to secure it.

     A. A compilation of state laws regulating charitable organizations.
     B. Resource organizations.
     C. Regional Associations of Grantmakers.
     D. The Foundation Center National Library Network. 
     E. 1986 Grammar Hotline Directory.
[Most chapters include a bibliography].

This volume is a handbook and reference work for the leaders of America's 785,000-plus nonprofits to help them in securing the futures of their organizations. It will arm the reader with the knowledge to prevail in today's climate. The secret of surviving and transcending the harsh new realities has been gleaned from years of trial and error. Simply stated, each and every nonprofit needs to seek out support from a variety of sources to achieve fiscal strength.

Seltzer, Michael S.
0-87954-190-3 (pbk)
514 p.
December, 1986

The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York
NY, 10003