Strategies to Achieve Equitable Investment by Local Arts Agencies and Nexus Organizations


Research Abstract
Strategies to Achieve Equitable Investment by Local Arts Agencies and Nexus Organizations

In partnership with a field-based advisory group, Americans for the Arts proposes four goals that, if achieved, would support meaningful, measurable progress toward the fair and equitable distribution of all types of LAA investments, as well as specific strategies to achieve those goals. Together these goals address the need to change the conditions and culture in the agencies stewarding cultural investment resources, while also providing immediate and proximate support for people leading the change. The goals and associated strategies listed here and detailed below are interrelated and synergistic.  Multiple prongs of effort need to be implemented concurrently and strategically staged.

While this document guides rather than dictating specific next steps, Americans for the Arts and our various partners are actively moving on the recommendations in this document and developing new bodies of work around national communities of practice, leadership pipeline, and the education and transformation of existing leadership in the field.

The four goals articulated are: support for diverse current and future leadership, educated and transformed decisionmakers, a strong body of evidence-based equitable investment practices, and sector-wide collective action to address equity.

The five strategies articulated are: communities of practice and shared learning, pipeline and pre/early-professional development and organizational openness, affordable/available high-quality learning, and research-backed tools for doing the work.


In partnership with a field-based advisory group, Americans for the Arts proposes four goals that, if achieved, would support meaningful, measurable progress toward the fair and equitable distribution of all types of LAA investments, as well as specific strategies to achieve those goals. 


Lord, Clayton
January 2019

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005