Strengthening the Arts Through Mutually Beneficial Partnerships With the Business Community


Research Abstract
Strengthening the Arts Through Mutually Beneficial Partnerships With the Business Community

For 28 years, the Arts and Business Council has been a major catalyst in New York City in creating win-win partnerships between nonprofit music, dance, literary and visual arts organizations and the for-profit business community. Many of our programs now reach beyond New York City and have impact throughout the country.

The programs of the Arts and Business Council help the arts win through: Access to skilled and trained volunteers from business to assist with management, fundraising, special events and ongoing operations. Opportunities to meet and interact with business decision-makers. Help in working with business to develop ongoing partnerships in marketing, employee involvement, resource development, cultural diversity and general management. Involvement with an organization that promotes mutual understanding and appreciation between the two sectors. Businesses win through: Offering opportunities for exciting employee volunteer involvement with the arts. Promoting cooperative ventures with the arts in marketing, public relations, employee involvement and community betterment. Helping to ensure a strong arts industry which stimulates the local economy by purchasing goods and services, providing jobs, attracting tourists and upgrading real estate values. Sustaining cultural amenities which help attract and maintain a quality workforce. Creating recognition, goodwill and enhanced corporate image in the community.

Arts and Business: a win-win partnership.
1991 Highlights.
Helping the arts meet management and funding challenges:
     Business Volunteers for the Arts/New York City.
     Business Volunteers for the Arts/USA.
     Business Volunteers for the Arts Expansion - Business Advisory Council (BACs),
     Special Events Task Forces.
     Critical issues and the arts.
     Partnerships for the 1990s.
Arts and accessibility.
Cultural diversity - Multicultural Arts Management Internship Program.
     Business volunteerism and the arts campaign.
     Membership programs.
     Encore Awards luncheon and seminar.
     Guide to New York City Arts Organizations.
Publications and information.
Board of directors.
Arts members.
Arts groups assisted by BVA/NY.
Companies of BVA/NY volunteers.
BVA/USA affiliates.
Financial statement.

For 28 years, the Arts and Business Council has been a major catalyst in New York City in creating win-win partnerships between nonprofit music, dance, literary and visual arts organizations and the for-profit business community. Many of our programs now reach beyond New York City and have impact throughout the country.

Arts and Business Council
27 p.
December, 1990

Americans for the Arts (formerly Arts & Business Council Inc.)
One East 53rd Street, 2nd Floor
New York
NY, 10022