Support for Older Artists


Research Abstract
Support for Older Artists

This work was first presented at The Individual Artist: Condition and Support, an American Council for the Arts research seminar, held at the Walter Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1988.

The author addressed what he saw as the genuine and highly individual needs for mature artists, those who have worked at their art for most of their adult lives.

The vagaries of old age, the changing art market and the artist's often solitary work and life - these are the special problems associated with support of older artists. Failing health and the need for income security emerged as areas of concern that older artists share with many other older Americans. But for artists, who live and work without the infrastructure of support enjoyed by those in other occupations, the situation is especially precarious. (p. 6)

What do aging artists need?
Why should we help?
How should we help?
Storage space, exhibitions, gallery and museum relationships.
Video catalogs and oral histories.
The college and university connection.
What do we need?

This work was first presented at The Individual Artist: Condition and Support, an American Council for the Arts research seminar, held at the Walter Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1988. The author addressed what he saw as the genuine and highly individual needs for mature artists, those who have worked at their art for most of their adult lives.

Payne, Bruce L.
0-915400-75-8 (p)
December, 1988