Tax Policy and Private Support for the Arts in the , Canada and Great Britain


Research Abstract
Tax Policy and Private Support for the Arts in the , Canada and Great Britain

In April 1980 the British American Arts Association (UK) organized a seminar to examine and compare the operation of tax policy on financial support of the arts from the private section in the United Kingdom, the of American and Canada. This book contains the papers presented at that Seminar and a report of the ensuing discussions. (Foreword)

  1. Foreword by Ian Lancaster.
  2. Chairman's introduction by Willim Pile.
  3. Keynote address by Neil McFarlane.
  4. U.S. tax laws by Hamish R. Sandison.
  5. Canadian tax laws by David Gavsie.
  6. U.K. tax laws by G. Laurence Harbottle.
  7. Questions to the lawyers.
  8. Chairman's summing up.
  9. U.S. practice and policy by Michael O'Hare.
10. Questions to Mr. O'Hare.
11. British panel on tax policy: 
           D.P. Harwood. 
           John Whitaker.
           Anthony Blackstock.
           Peter Sanguinetti.
           Redmund Mullin.
12. Questions to the British panel and general discussion.
13. Chairman's summing up.
14. Biographies of speakers.
15. Select bibliography.
16. Appendices.
17. Index.

In April 1980 the British American Arts Association (UK) organized a seminar to examine and compare the operation of tax policy on financial support of the arts from the private section in the United Kingdom, the of American and Canada. This book contains the papers presented at that Seminar and a report of the ensuing discussions. (Foreword)

Sandison, Hamish R. and Williams, Jennifer
0-9607686-0-2 (p)
101 p.
December, 1980

British American Arts Association
30 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge
, SW7