The 1982 ASTC Salary Survey: A Survey of Salaries in Science-Technology Centers


Research Abstract
The 1982 ASTC Salary Survey: A Survey of Salaries in Science-Technology Centers

In this first national survey of science center salaries, ASTC has attempted to ascertain average salaries earned by individuals at various professional levels and to draw correlations between professional salary levels and the location and budget size of the institution and the sex of the incumbents in the positions. Although correlations can be drawn, they must always be interpreted within a context of surrounding variables such as the general job market, size and condition of the community and the national economy. The survey instrument did not include questions to rate additional variables that also affect salary levels, such as experience and tenure.

Survey procedures and report.
The 1982 ASTC salary survey procedure.
General survey information.
Summary report on 1982 Science Center Salaries.
Salary information by job description:
     Director of Administration.
     Business manager.
     Curator A.
     Curator B.
     Curator C.
     Educator A.
     Educator B.
     Educator C.
     Educational, Curatorial, or Scientific assistant.
     Publicity director.
     Publicity assistant.
     Development Officer.
     Membership officer.
     Exhibit Designer A.
     Exhibit Designer B.
     Exhibit or Planetarium Technician.
Appendix A: Salary Survey form.
Appendix B: Bibliography of salary surveys.
List of figures:
     1. Science Centers responding by regional distribution and budget size.
     2. Science Center salary ranges and medians by annual institutional budget.
     3. Science Center salary ranges and medians by region of the institution.
     4. Science Center salary ranges and medians by sex of the incumbent.


Jacalyn Bedworth
28 p.
December, 1981

Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC)
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 500
DC, 20005-6310