The Arts in American Life


Research Abstract
The Arts in American Life

[This book] is one of a series of monographs published under the direction of the President's Research Committee on Social Trends, embodying scientific information assembled for the use of the Committee in the preparation of its report entitled Recent Social Trends in the . The Committee was named by President Herbert Hoover in December, 1929, to survey social changes in this country in order to throw light on the emerging problems which now confront or which may be expected later to confront the people of the . The undertaking is unique in our history. For the first time the head of the Nation has called upon a group of social scientists to sponsor and direct a broad scientific study of the factors of change in modern society. (Foreword, p. v)

The present discussion will concern itself with the arts in the , largely but not exclusively between 1920 and 1930, relying as much as possible upon quantitative data. This must not be taken as an indifference to qualitative elements, nor as a confusion of quantity with quality. But any attempt to define and classify the qualitative elements in the arts in America would vitiate any sociological value this presentation of facts might have. (p. 2)

Preparatory note.

Chapter 1. Introduction.
Chapter 2. The historical background.
Chapter 3. The economic setting.
Chapter 4. The American approach to the arts.
Chapter 5. Art education: the schools.
Chapter 6. Art education outside the schools.
Chapter 7. The American and his architecture.
Chapter 8. Painting and sculpture: the new expression.
Chapter 9. Art and Business: advertising.
Chapter 10. Art and business: commercial design.
Chapter 11. Art in daily life.
Chapter 12. Music and dancing.
Chapter 13. Theatre and cinema.
Chapter 14. Government and art.
Chapter 15. Conclusion.



Keppel, Frederick P. and Duffus, R.L.
227 p.
December, 1932

The McGraw-Hill Companies
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