The Arts in the Small Community 2006


Research Abstract
The Arts in the Small Community 2006

This new version of The Arts in the Small Community - a National Plan maintains the organization and all the "big" and timeless ideas of the original as well as the examples from the five test communities, but has supplemented it with contemporary examples from communities all across the country including urban and suburban. Discussions on business, public education, and communications were rewritten to reflect the evolution on these fronts in the past thirty-five years. An appendix summarizes what is happening in the test communities today.

With a forward by Robert L. Lynch, President and CEO of Americans for the Arts, and supported in part by grants from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the National Endowment for the Arts' Challenge America program and from The Evjue Foundation, Inc., The Arts in the Small Community 2006 passes on the story of the original experiment and what it has taught to new generations of arts development practitioners and visionaries.

This new version of The Arts in the Small Community - a National Plan maintains the organization and all the "big" and timeless ideas of the original as well as the examples from the five test communities, but has supplemented it with contemporary examples from communities all across the country including urban and suburban. Discussions on business, public education, and communications were rewritten to reflect the evolution on these fronts in the past thirty-five years. An appendix summarizes what is happening in the test communities today.


Gard Ewell, Maryo and Warlum, Michael F.

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005