The BCA National Survey of Busiess Support for the Arts 2013


Research Abstract
The BCA National Survey of Busiess Support for the Arts 2013

The 2013 BCA Survey of Business Support for the Arts is the only known study of business philanthropy towards the arts that includes small and midsize business giving. This is important because smaller businesses continue to be highly focused on philanthropy in their local markets. As such, arts organizations have a natural opportunity to build partnerships with these companies by providing innovative programs that serve broad community audiences. But this year it is the largest businesses that have led the arts giving resurgence, with a median gift size that surpasses even the pre economy downturn year of 2006.

This year’s survey examines a myriad of ways businesses partner with the arts, from charitable contributions, to sponsorships, employee matches, in-kind services, corporate art collections, and workplace giving. I hope you find the survey results valuable and that they continue to be used to encourage arts and business partnerships across the country. [Introduction by Mark Shugoll]

After a downturn in arts giving in 2006 and 2009, 2012 levels rebounded and are now similar to 2006 levels. Cash plus non-cash arts giving between 2009 and 2012 is up 18 percent (average growth of 6% per year). A similar upward trend for overall (not just arts) large company giving was reported by the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy for the 2009-2011 period.


Americans for the Arts

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