The Big Sky on the Big Screen Act: A Film Industry Incentive


Research Abstract
The Big Sky on the Big Screen Act: A Film Industry Incentive
A report from the Montana Film Office and Montana Department of Commerce, in conjunction with ArtsMarket, Inc., on the economic impact of filmmaking in the state with recommendations for attracting future film production. Between 1998 and 2003 it estimates a total impact (output) of over $83 million, but warns that the state is now losing film production to other states and provinces that offer incentives to producers, and recommends passage of the "Big Sky on the Big Screen" Act.
A report from the Montana Film Office and Montana Department of Commerce, in conjunction with ArtsMarket, Inc., on the economic impact of filmmaking in the state with recommendations for attracting future film production.

The Montana Film Office; Montana Department of Commerce; with ArtsMarket, Inc.
42 p.

ArtsMarket, Inc.
1125 West Kagy Blvd., Suite 100
MT, 59715