The Constitution and the Independent Sector: 1987 Spring Research Forum, Working Papers


Research Abstract
The Constitution and the Independent Sector: 1987 Spring Research Forum, Working Papers

1987 Spring research forum sponsored by the Independent Sector and the United Way Institute, New York City, March 19-20, 1987. Here are the collection of working papers for the 1987 Spring Research Forum: The Constitution and the Independent Sector. The Forum, which is co-sponsored by Independent Sector and United Way Institute, will be held on March 19-20, 1987 at the Vista International Hotel in New York City.

This year marks the bicentennial of the constitution of the . It is a good year to remember that the nonprofit sector of the was flourishing long before the constitution, and that its leaders were influential in the framing of the Constitution. Even after the Bill of Rights was passed, charitable organizations provided leadership in advocacy movements and philanthropy to help meet the needs of the diverse citizenry of a new nation. Part of this year's Spring Research Forum will address the impact of voluntary organizations in the framing of the Constitution, on the creation and interpretation of the American legal system in the post-Constitution era, and on various amendments and interpretations of the Constitution over the past two centuries.

The diversity and breadth of the papers contained in this volume reflect the growing interest among scholars to conduct research on the independent sector. It is with particular pleasure that we can provide in these papers the first results of research projects currently underway or just completed. Much of the information included here has not been published elsewhere. The first section includes papers for the general session on March 20, The Constitution and the Independent Sector: A Colloquy. The following sections are divided into twelve topical areas for the panel discussions:

    1. management issues;
    2. economics of the nonprofit sector;
    3. tax reform effects on giving and volunteering;
    4. philanthropy abroad;
    5. philanthropic activities of the wealthy;
    6. philanthropic activities among minority groups;
    7. legal issues affecting philanthropy;
    8. voluntary organizations in an era of changing resources;
    9. competition and the nonprofit sector;
    10. history and values;
    11. women in philanthropy; and
    12. the Constitution and nonprofit organizations.

The authors were asked to address three questions on their topics:

    1. What questions need to be addressed on the topic?
    2. What research has been or is currently underway to address these questions?
    3. How can the results of this research be used?

Through these papers and the Forum sessions, we hope to expand and extend the development of a basic body of knowledge on the nonprofit sector and its role and functions in American society.


I. The Constitution and the Independent Sector.        
            The Metapolitical role of voluntary organizations in the by Peter
            Dobkin Hall.
            The evolution of the law of nonprofit organizations by Henry Hansmann.

II. Management Issues. 
            Effective managers of nonprofit organizations by Richard D. Heimovics and
            Richard D. Herman. 
            The decision making and allocation process in corporate philanthropy by
            Michael Useem.
            Recruitment, management and retention of volunteers - from a volunteer's
            perspective, by Cathaleen Finley.

III. Economics of the Nonprofit Sector. 
            The independence of the Independent Sector by Susan Rose-Ackerman.
            Nonprofits in a mixed economy by Burton A. Weisbrod.
            Toward a new economics for the nonprofit sector by Robert Scott Gassler.

IV. Tax Reforms Effects on Giving & Volunteering.
             Individual giving under the tax reform act of 1986 by Lawrence B. Lindsey.
             Tax reform and volunteering by Jerald A. Schiff.

V. Philanthropy Abroad.
             Themes in international research on the nonprofit sector by Helmut K.
             Voluntarism in France: sketches from Life, Pictures of Research by
             Dan Ferrand-Bechmann.
             Charitable giving by individuals in Great Britain by Michael Brophy.

VI. Philanthropic Activities of the Wealthy.
             Varieties of philanthropic logic among the wealthy by Paul G. Schervish and
             Andrew Herman.
             The values of the wealthy: Philanthropic attitudes as a reflection of political
             philosophy in American culture by Elizabeth Boris.

VII. Philanthropic Activities Among Minority Groups.
             The charitable giving and voluntarism of Black Americans by Emmett D.
             Giving to Jewish Philanthropic causes: a preliminary reconnaissance by
             Richard Silberstein, Paul Ritterband, Jonathan Rabinowitz and Barry Kosmin.

VIII. Legal Issues Affecting Philanthropy.
             The Buck Trust by Harvey P. Dale.
             The combined Federal campaign by Harvey P. Dale.
             Legal issues involving competition by nonprofits with small business by Bruce
             R. Hopkins.

IX. Voluntary Organizations in an Era of Changing Resources.
             A community institutional response to a crisis in social service funding: The
             Twin Cities Case by Joseph Galaskiewicz.
             An information system for public-private decision-making by Barbara R.
             Von Elm.
             Changing public/private roles in human services by Lester M. Salamon.

X. Competition and the Nonprofit Sector.
             Entrepreneurial activities of the nonprofit sector by Dennis R. Young.
             Commercial activities in human service organizations by Carol J. DeVita and
             Lester M. Salamon.

XI. History and Values.
             The Public and Independent Sectors: Separate strategies or partnership? by
             Clarke A. Chambers. 
             Philanthropy and social values by Jeffrey Paul and John Ahrens.

XII. Women in Philanthropy.
             Lady Bountiful and her good works? by Teresa J. Odendahl. 
             Philanthropic activities of wealthy women by Susan A. Ostrander. 
             Older generation, younger generation: Transitions in women's volunteer lives
             by Margo W. MacLeod.

XIII. The Constitution and the Independent Sector.
             The Constitution and voluntary organizations by Margaret J. Wyszomirski.
             Democracy and voluntarism: Parallels in theory and practice by Jon Van Til.
             Groping for groups: The case of non-profits by Aviam Soifer.

1987 Spring research forum sponsored by the Independent Sector and the United Way Institute, New York City, March 19-20, 1987. Here are the collection of working papers for the 1987 Spring Research Forum: The Constitution and the Independent Sector. The Forum, which is co-sponsored by Independent Sector and United Way Institute, will be held on March 19-20, 1987 at the Vista International Hotel in New York City.

Independent Sector
528 p.
December, 1986

Independent Sector
1200 Eighteenth Street, NW, Suite 200
DC, 20036