The Foundation Center's Guide to Grantseeking on the Web


Research Abstract
The Foundation Center's Guide to Grantseeking on the Web

Learn how to maximize use of the World Wide Web for your funding research. Packed with a wealth of information, including abstracts of more than 200 foundation Web sites and dozens of related nonprofit sites of interest, The Foundation Center's Guide to Grantseeking on the Web provides both novice and experienced Web users with a gateway to the numerous online resources available to grantseekers. Foundation center staff experts have team-authored this guide, contributing their extensive knowledge of Web content as well as their tips and strategies on how to evaluate and use Web-based funding materials. Presented in a concise, how-to style and filled with sample Web sites, the Guide to Grantseeking on the Web will:

  • Introduce you to the World Wide Web - Learn about the development of the Internet and the importance of the Web to the nonprofit sector.

  • Explore the benefits of joining the online community, receive technical instructions on getting connected, and learn all about browsers and search engines - your Internet eyes and ears.

  • Structure your research with a toolkit of resources:

    • Abstracts of 200+ foundation Web sites.
    • Corporate grantmaking information.
    • Profiles of searchable databases (both free and fee-based).
    • Abstracts of dozens of related nonprofit sites.
    • Government funding sources.
    • Online journals, periodicals, and newsletters on philanthropy.
    • Interactive services; bulletin boards, discussion groups and mailing lists.

  • Guide you through the Center's Web site - Take a tour of the many free resources available at our site, including a Proposal Writing Short Course, The Literature of the Nonprofit Sector Online, Philanthropy News Digest, a downloadable foundation common grant application form, and much more.

The Guide to Grantmaking on the Web also includes a glossary to demystify common terms and a bibliography of related resources in the field. It will help you develop an organized, focused approach to funding research on the Web, opening up a whole new arena of online resources and saving you valuable research time. (Publisher's catalog)


Foundation Center
300 p.
December, 1997

The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York
NY, 10003