The (Help) I Don't Have Enough Time Guide to Volunteer Management


Research Abstract
The (Help) I Don't Have Enough Time Guide to Volunteer Management

The reality is that a vast number, perhaps the majority, of people responsible for leading volunteers are handling that role as one of several other professional hats. Many people have only limited time and resources with which to do the job of volunteer administration, and therefore must find ways to handle all the job, without all the time. The (Help!) I Don't Have Enough Time Guide is based on the premise that a team approach to managing a volunteer program is a good idea, for many reasons. Put simply, the team approach means recruiting helpers to share the tasks of coordinating people, projects and paper. But you delegate authority as well as work. While the focus of this book is on part-timers, the strategy of team management is valid for any volunteer program. The team approach fosters shared ownership of volunteer involvement by including many people, both paid and volunteer, in the work it takes to make it happen. As volunteer activities expand, the demands of leadership expand as well. No matter what the size of a volunteer effort, there comes a point at which the workload as well as expectations exceed the level of staff support.

Recognizing your role.
Mapping the boundaries.
Task analysis and delegation.
Finding your management team: Inside.
Finding your management team: Outside.
Imagine this.
Structuring your team.
Communication strategies.
Appendix: Resources to help you do the job.


Campbell, Katherine Noyes and Ellis, Susan J.
0-940576-16-3 (p)
117 p.
December, 1994

Energize, Inc.
5450 Wissahickon Ave.
PA, 19144