The Policy Uses of Audience Studies


Research Abstract
The Policy Uses of Audience Studies
Among arts councils and planning agencies there is an increasing awareness of the need for policy relevant data of the sort available from surveys of arts audiences and more general populations of interest. This paper will review data collected as part of recent policy oriented research conducted by the Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research of The Johns Hopkins University. A basic data base on the current audience for the arts will be reviewed with examples given of the impact of particular policy considerations on additional data requirements and overall research design. (p. 27)
Among arts councils and planning agencies there is an increasing awareness of the need for policy relevant data of the sort available from surveys of arts audiences and more general populations of interest. This paper will review data collected as part of recent policy oriented research conducted by the Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research of The Johns Hopkins University. A basic data base on the current audience for the arts will be reviewed with examples given of the impact of particular policy considerations on additional data requirements and overall research design. (p. 27)

Cwi, David
December, 1976

Walters Art Gallery
600 North Charles Street
MD, 21201