The Top 50 Tweets from the 2015 National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference


Research Abstract
The Top 50 Tweets from the 2015 National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference

Over 500 arts marketers from across the nation gathered together for the 2015 National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference, November 6-9, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Together, we explored the newest trends in social media, google analytics, wearable technology, audience engagement, and more.

6,500+ tweets were captured at #NAMPC 2015. In this e-book, you’ll get a glimpse into the forward-thinking marketing strategies, inspirational moments, and innovative ideas exchanged on the #NAMPC tweet deck. Our newest compilation of tweets includes:

  • @txculturaltrust Culture is a pyramid to which each of us brings a stone. #nampc
  • @NAMT Engagement isn’t just an item on a checklist. It’s integral to the impact your work has on your audience. @lisa_mallette @citylights #nampc
  • @briehines Artists and Entrepreneurs both are dreamers. Let's share our skills to help each other achieve our dreams. #collabwithbizz #nampc

This e-book was developed to capture the top 50 tweets from the 2015 National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference.


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