Theatre Facts 1996


Research Abstract
Theatre Facts 1996

This annual survey of a representative group of nonprofit theatres was known as the TCG fiscal survey in 1974, 1975, 1976; the TCG survey in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; and as Theatre Facts since 1981. Theatre Facts also appears as a supplement to American Theatre magazine, usually in the April issue. [This edition published in April 1995]. Statistics and analysis are provided for the year as well as comparisons to previous years. Information is provided on:

    1. finances, including earned income, contributed income, total income, total expenses, deficit;
    2. production activity, including attendance, subscribers, performances, productions; and
    3. work force, including artistic staff, administrative staff, technical staff, total work force.

Survey Universe.
1995 totals for 215 theatres.

     Attendance, 18,617,787.
     Subscribers, 1,056,080.
     Performances, 56,608.
     Productions, 2,646.

     Earnings, $281,239,850.
     Contributions $163,144,324.
     Total income $444,384,174.
     Total expenses $444,936,518.
     Deficit $ (552,344).

Work force:
     Artistic 17,519.
     Administrative 5,695.
     Technical 9,323.
     Total paid personnel 32,537.

This annual survey of a representative group of nonprofit theatres was known as the TCG fiscal survey in 1974, 1975, 1976; the TCG survey in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; and as Theatre Facts since 1981. Theatre Facts also appears as a supplement to American Theatre magazine, usually in the April issue.

Janowitz, Barbara

Theatre Communications Group
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New York
NY, 10018-4156